How To Prepare Your Home For Heavy Rain

By Heather Hahn @HeatherHahnn

The weather can be unpredictable at the best of times. If you experience flooding on a regular basis or you’ve heard rumours of heavy rain approaching, here is some advice to prepare your home. Planning in advance could help to save you money and protect your loved ones and possessions.

Do your research before you move in

If you’re looking to rent or buy, always carry out some research before you sign on the dotted line. Look at flood risk maps and ask the locals about previous problems they may have encountered. It’s worth noting that living on or near a floodplain will increase insurance costs, as well as putting your property at risk of damage.

Sign up for flood updates and information

Contact your local government office or meteorological department. Sign up for the latest information on adverse weather and flood warnings. If you receive information in good time, you can start to plan ahead. Pay attention to any warnings on television channels or radio stations. Always follow advice from authorities. Even if you think your home is indestructible, you should never put your safety at risk.

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Have plans in place

If prolonged periods of heavy rain are forecast, it’s wise to have plans in place so that you can act quickly. You may wish to relocate possessions to the upstairs and move your car to a friend or relative’s house. If there is a risk of severe flooding, arrange to go and stay with somebody until the rain dies down. Use sandbags to bolster your home’s defenses and ensure all windows and doors are secured. Take any valuables or sentimental objects out of the house with you. Try and fill in any holes and create barriers across doorways.

Dealing with water damage

If your home is hit by downpours and you’re not sure what to do next, search for a water damage blog with useful information. You may be able to carry out most of the repair work yourself if the damage is minor. If there are severe implications, contact a company, which specializes in water damage restoration. If there is extensive damage to the living areas, it may be wise to stay with friends or family members while work is underway.

If your home is at risk of frequent flooding, consider investing in some suitable flood prevention equipment. Identify potential weak spots and carry out necessary modifications. You can make your home more resistant quickly and simply by addressing issues such as openings under doors or air bricks, for example. Arrange for an expert to come and have a look around. They will be able to make recommendations based on the age, condition and location of your home. Flood protection can be expensive, but it often pays to invest.

Flooding can cause significant damage and it’s always wise to be clued up when it comes to preparing your home for heavy rain. Make sure you have a plan of action in place if flood warnings are publicized, and always follow instructions.