How to Make Your First Trip a Success

By Reporterandgirl @reporterandgirl

Not saying that you’re planning a romantic topless day at the beach, but you love spending time with your significant other and are thinking about going on your first trip together to take your relationship to the next level. But how do you know when is the right time? Where should you stay, and what activities should you plan? These questions are important to answer when planning your first trip together, since it might determine how you work out as a couple. Consider the following tips to make your first trip a success:

When Is the Right Time?

There aren’t any set rules on when to plan your first trip. It may be right for you after two months of dating, or it may be after a year. Traveling together tests your relationship. If you go too early, you may not have a mature enough relationship to know how to compromise with each other or when to take a break. On the other hand, you may find spending extended time together reveals how much you have in common. Have an open and honest discussion about whether you’re ready to take this step.

Where Should You Go?

Discuss places you both want to go and compromise on a location that includes both of your interests. For instance, you should decide if you want an adventure-packed vacation or a relaxing stay at the beach. Also talk about whether you want to do a road trip or fly to your destination and how long your trip should last. For a first trip, you may want to limit it to a few days since you aren’t sure what to expect.

What Should You Do?

Shaking things up on a trip may help you connect with your significant other in new ways. Try to do activities you don’t ordinarily experience to help learn new things about your significant other. Think out of the box and find new activities, such as zip lining over the ocean, enjoying a couples massage or hiking on more difficult trails. Watching a Broadway show in New York City is a perfect nightcap after dinner. Consider building in some time for going solo or spontaneity since over planning might make things a little too hectic or stressful. And of course, a chance to light that fire of passion.

Should You Talk About Money?

Before you plan the details of your trip, decide how you are going to pay for it. Discuss if one person is responsible for all of the costs or if you want to divide it 50-50. Talking about money issues and concerns is best done ahead of time so you don’t have to worry about it during your trip. After all, you don’t want to be squabbling about the tab at the restaurant or arguing about who is responsible for the hotel stay.

What If Plans Don’t Go as You Hoped?

Sometimes the best plans fall apart on a trip. But these situations might offer a sneak peek on how your significant other deals with unexpected issues and his or her ability to adjust quickly. Witnessing this behavior may either strengthen your relationship or make you think twice about vacationing together. Try to remember you are on the same team and enjoy what is, instead of what isn’t. Flexibility and learning to adapt makes a great impression on your honey and leaves the door open for more romance.

So tell me about your first trip as a couple on Facebook, G+, or tweet me @ReporterandGirl