How to Make Coffee Stronger & Less Jittery [Reduces Caffeine Tolerance]

By Geoff Griffiths @mmatraining1980

okay so, caffeine is as necessary as oxygen to most parents.

**Drink coffee and consume everything else at your own risk, innit.**

Wait at Least 1 Hour Before Having a Coffee

You’re cortisol levels are high and adenesine levels are low in the morning, you can greatly reduce caffeine intake with minimal negative impact by waiting an hour after waking up, before consuming caffeine.

^I robbed this concept from the Huberman Lab podcast…seems to work.

Add These To Your Coffee

Make the fecker stronger by adding:

– 100mg agmatine – makes it more potent

– 100mg l theanine – makes it less jittery & last longer

Ideally take the agmatine 5 mins before the coffee, doesn’t make a massive difference though.

Agmatine is pretty potent and affects people differently.

There’s good research now on agmatine for depression and it had minimal side effects, usually GI upset and headaches for some at higher doses.

Studies on agmatine and depression used doses around 2.5g per day. Which is high.

Optimise Mitochondrial Function

Caffeine works by blunting the effects of adenosine. It can also increase dopamine levels slightly.

This isn’t the only way to get more energy. Research optimising mitochondrial function if you want to take your energy up another notch.

ALCAR, PQQ, coQ10, red light therapy and even methylene blue are options to fire up the powerhouses. Just do some research before jumping in, ALCAR can impact TMAO release which may or may not be bad for cardiovascular health (jury is still out), and methylene blue with red light therapy is highly effective but doctors and academics ha e different opinions on methylene blue and its long term effects.

Anything that reduces excessive inflammation will also help you feel better and more energised. Sounds woo woo, but look into the research on grounding and grounding mats.

Other Stuff

Jumping in an ice bath with also give you a bit hit of dopamine – the feel good motivational hormone – for at least a few hours.

getting sunlight in your eyes in the morning, and minimising light in the evening, especially blue light, is also good for optimising dopamine.

Light is important yo: