How To: How to Depot: How to Depot Smashbox Blushes

By Makeuptemple @makeuptemple

Unlike most beauty bloggers and mua’s I find Smashbox eye shadows and blushes much more easier to depot than MAC. Smashbox eye shadows / blushes are popped in.

All you need to do is get a thin screw drive or a sculpting tool, and insert it to the bed and pop it out.

Than use your candle to heat  the bottom, once it start to heat. push it with a sharp object.

Than take your lighter and just heat the label for a second or two than you can peel of the label

You do  not need a knife or scissors,

You do not need hair straightness, most of the time you damage your products and waste your time, but this method is quick and easy.

Here is what you need:

Sculpting Tools / Screw Driver




Makeup Palette