How To Help Your Skin Adjust to a New Climate

By Khadija Beauty @khadijabeauty3

Whether you’re going out of town or moving to a new region, the climate affects your body. Even the seasons can cause changes! Your allergies might flare up; your sleep schedule might suffer—the air can do a lot to our bodies. But one of the quickest parts of your body to react to being in a new place is your skin.

When you’re in a new climate, dryness or blackheads might bring you down. Luckily, there’s a solution. Here are some tips on how to help your skin adjust to a new climate. Caring for your skin in a new environment will take some patience, but your skin will thank you.

Consider Your Skin Type

Before you travel, think about what skin type you have. Understanding your skin type will help you naturally adjust to your new location and prevent a reaction. There are four skin types: dry, oily, normal, and combination.

Dry skin needs hydrating and exfoliating products to help with the lack of oil production, while oily skin requires oil-balancing products containing vitamin C and niacinamide.

As for normal skin, you’ll need products to help maintain your natural complexion. Combination skin requires a mixture of hydrating and oil-balanced products to keep it healthy and reduce acne flare-ups.

Factors That Affect the Skin

One environmental factor that can affect the skin is pollution. Urban environments have higher levels of pollution in the air that can break down the skin’s barrier by degrading collagen and lipids. Additionally, pollution can cause acne flare-ups, irritation, and rashes.

A few other factors that affect the skin include water, sun, and temperature. When you wash your face with water your skin isn’t acclimated to, the minerals and sodium in the water can dry out the skin. The sun and temperature can cause redness, irritation, and burns that can damage multiple layers of skin. It’s vital to keep your skin healthy and nourished, especially if you have sensitive skin.

How to Help Your Skin Acclimate

A couple of tips on how to help your skin adjust to a new climate include:

  • Deep cleaning with the correct products (Message me on Instagram for 1-1 skin consultation with me. I am a Cosmetologist)
  • Enlisting the help of antioxidants
  • Using an effective toner
  • Moisturizing and protecting your skin effectively

The environment can damage your skin. Free radicals can break down the atoms in your body and negatively impact your skin. Use broad-spectrum SPF 30 with titanium oxide to help protect your skin against UVA and UVB rays.

Your skin shouldn’t have to take the brunt of a new climate. Always use the proper skincare to protect and hydrate your skin so you can keep it glowing!