A vision board is a wonderful tool to help you get clarity on your goals, a guide to help you make decisions that will support your dream life, and an elegant representation of your why- why you're taking the time and effort to make a change for the better!

Here is how you can have your own vision board workshop:
A vision board is a visual representation of your dreams, your desires, and your goals. When you think about what you're putting on your vision board, you're not putting on your vision board what you want to GET. Instead, you're putting down on your vision board what you want to CREATE.
I am super excited to share to you all what our guest expert, Chrysta Bairre, shared when she gave a special training for the women in my course about creating intentional vision boards and she really knows her stuff!! She has some great tools to help us clarify what we want in our work and to figure out the type of life we are trying to create.

Chrysta Bairre is a Happiness Cheerleader. She is a work-life balance, confidence, and happiness trainer and coach, helping others find happiness in the life they have so they can create the life they want. You can find her at Live and Love Work.
What I want to create for myself is very different from what I want to get and the difference is that creation involves a process. It involves you doing something to make that happen. Vision boards are so much more about INTENTION.
Today's vision board tip is to make a vision board that represents what you want to CREATE in your life, not what you want to GET in your life.
To get you started on your vision board, here's some exploratory questions:
1. What goals are you working toward in your life?
2. When you imagine reaching your goals, what does your life look like?
Today's tip is WHY. Your vision board expresses your WHY- why is your goal important to you, why are making a change in your life? On difficult days it's important to remember your why. When you are feeling uninspired or unmotivated, remember your why. Just take a look at your vision board and you'll remember why.
Here's a few more exploratory questions to consider today when creating your vision board?
3. What images, words, and phrases represent your life when you've achieved your goal?
4. What will it take to reach your goal?
5. How will the process of reaching your goal change you?
There are many different types of vision boards you can create. You can create a scrapbook style board, a screen saver board, a Pinterest board, a background collage for your phone or laptop, or any other kind of board you can imagine. Choose a vision board that works for you- something you can see everyday.
Types of Vision Board
The most important thing is to create a vision board that something you'd see every day.
Scrapbook style - Most people are familiar with this. You cut pictures and words from a magazine or maybe you are writing on a piece of board or foam board.
Screensaver - For those who are less crafty, you could have a screensaver. Each slide on your screensaver represents something that you're trying to create in your life. It can be an image, a word, or a phrase. It should be auto-rotated.
Pinterest board - Create a Pinterest board of pins that you have collected that represent the vision you are going to.
Choose a type of vision board that is going to really work for you and you look at it every day. It will inspire you and help you be intentional in the choices you are making and what you are doing with your life.
How to use your vision board?
Use it to get clear about your intention.This is important for several reasons. It's important because when you are out there pursuing opportunities and when you are talking to people about who you are and what you want to create in your life. The more clear you are, the easier it's going to be for the right people to find you.
Use it to make decisions.Ask yourself, does this job, this opportunity, this client or whatever it looks like, fit on my vision board? Because if it doesn't, then that's probably a good indication that it's going to take you to a direction other than the direction that you really want to go. This will help you decide what activities you need to say no to in your life.
Note from Anna: Chrysta also has a webinar today and tomorrow that she's offering free to everyone in this group! She may add an additional date next week, too!
In this webinar you can learn: how and when to speak up for yourself, how and when to say no, and four words to stop saying to instantly gain respect and recognition!
If you are interested, you can sign up here: http://www.liveandlovework.com/compelling-confidence/