How to Hang a Heavy Bag – A Guide

By Thegatekeeper

Having a punching bag at home can be very beneficial for your training, especially if you don’t attend a Muay Thai gym more than 3 days a week. This guide will show you how I hanged my heavy bag to the wall using a custom built hanger. A heavy bag is is a punching bag that weights over 50 pounds.

So let’s get started then. First thing you want to do is find a good spot to hang your heavy bag. You need open space around it to be able to kick and punch properly. You can hang the bag in one of two ways:

  • From the ceiling using a support
  • From the wall

In my case, it was impossible to hang from the ceiling due to space problems, so I found a good spot in the yard where I could hang the heavy bag from the wall. I designed a custom hanger that I could attach to the wall, but I had to be careful so that it was strong enough to support the full weight of the bag.

Here is what the custom hanger looks like:

It uses four bolts to secure it to the wall, and a bracket to attach the heavy bag to. The hanger is made in a triangular shape to give it more strength. Next I attached the heavy bag (which at the time of  these photos, was still half filled) to the bracket. The pink cover is just something I bought so it wouldn’t get wet from the rain.

The end result is sturdy support and plenty of room to practice my techniques. I filled my bag with sand, but you can use other materials that are softer, or use a combination of sand and something else. How you enjoyed this guide on How to Hang a Heavy Bag, thanks for reading.