How to Go From Side Hustle to Dream Full-Time Business (CRP Video #2 + Free PDF DOWNLOAD)

Posted on the 23 October 2015 by Classycareergirl @classycareer

Hi, it's Anna and welcome to VIDEO 2 in new video blog training series, The Corporate Rescue Plan. I am excited to share with you my 5-step system to help you ditch your day job and transition into a profitable, freedom-based online business living your ideal lifestyle in 90 days or less.

The 5-step system is coming next week but first, there's some required things you must know in order to make your dream full-time business happen. That is what we are going to cover here today.

Make sure you watch the first video where I shared the 9 mistakes that new entrepreneurs who want to start their own business make over and over again. You don't want to miss the video because you do not want to be making any of those mistakes.

Watch the video #2 below to get started:

So if you are feeling stuck, I have been in your shoes. I remember what it was like when I was stuck in a job I hated. I wasn't happy and fulfilled in my career and it was keeping me up at night. I was so stuck and I would apply to jobs over and over again online with no luck. I blamed the economy and was frustrated that I wasn't doing all that I was capable of. I just didn't fit in my job. I was doing well and getting promoted but something was just off. It just didn't fit me.

The problem was I didn't really know what I wanted to do.

For years, I was stuck in a job I hated.

I would literally come home crying to my husband and some weekends I just couldn't relax because all I could think of was work. I dreaded Monday and didn't want to face what was on my plate the next day. It was impacting my relationships because my work life was off. I couldn't attend happy hours or social events because I had to work or I was crying about work. I was just barely holding on.

The only thing keeping me holding on was that I had picked up a side project that helped me realize what I was passionate about. I was able to teach a "How To Navigate Your Career Class" as an Adjunct Instructor at my company that I LOVED. I helped people review their personality assessments and figure out how to navigate within the company into roles that they loved so they could be happy at work. It was on my own time and I didn't get paid for it. I had to put a lot of extra hours in but it didn't matter. It was work that fit me.

And then I realized, I wasn't in a full-time role that fit my interests, personality and motivations. It was such a lightbulb because I finally was learning more about myself. I was learning the things I liked and didn't like and was starting to get that clear direction of where I needed to go next.

I realized that finance was a skill I was good at but I didn't enjoy it. It wasn't my favorite skill. But I loved teaching, training and coaching and realized that I wanted to do that for my career. I realized then that I wanted to bein charge of my own destiny and have my dream business. But I had no idea how to make that happen.

So another year went by and I was still be in the same position.

I got comfortable. Nice salary. Promotions.

But something was just off. I was in limbo. I was just making it through the days. Living for the weekends. Letting life pass me by. Just saying whatever I guess this is just how my career will go. I didn't get the wonderful opportunities that I knew I could do. I will just settle with what I have now. A job is just a job and it pays the bills. I just have to keep doing it because I don't have another choice. I just didn't care.

It's so sad to think of this time in my life because I just let go.

But there was this whole other side door opening that I wasn't aware of. There was this door of happiness by working on my blog. The door to work I loved and complete personal fulfillment. Living a life of purpose and making a difference. A career that totally fit me in this door over here. But, I didn't know that then just like you don't know what is through that door for you right now. There was a step or a major leap that I needed to take. But, I almost didn't take that step until I had a major life tragedy.

There was one day when my entire life changed. And you could say that it was either the worst day of my life or best day of my life. I don't know if you are at rock bottom yet and I surely hope that you are not because I would never wish for this rock bottom on anyone.

But, after years of putting up with a job I hated, I hit rock bottom.

I was in a hospital emergency room with my husband in Seattle at midnight. It was after a wedding that my husband was the best man in. We went straight from his best man speech to the hospital to find out I was miscarrying my first baby. Now ever since I initially found out I was pregnant I was just emotional, stressed and hating life because of my job.

And when this doctor told me that I was miscarrying, I was in shock but instead of mourning my baby at that moment. All I could think of was my job. The first thing out of my mouth to my husband and the scared doctor was "I hate my job. I need to quit." Yes, irrational considering what was going on in my life.

I was so terribly stuck that the first thing I thought of in a major tragedy was my job!

Ever since that moment I have had this fire in me. I have had a purpose. And I beg of you not to let as much time go by stuck in a job that isn't the right fit for you as I did. Please, if you are feeling discontent in your current role, it is time. You don't need to hit rock bottom and have a major life tragedy like mine to give yourself a jolt to make a change. This is the jolt. I am here to tell you that I know you can feel it if I am talking to you, your time is now. That is why you are here reading this blog post. That is why I am doing what I do with my life and in my business now.

What happened next is we paid off $80,000 of debt in 18 months. Without debt controlling your life, you can make life and career decisions that really make you happy like starting a new business. I un-trapped myself and other options came flooding in.

So now I am over the moon to share with you a case study of one of my previous clients. This is part of my "I Love My Career" series which aims to celebrate women (and my clients) who are stepping up and making HUGE leaps in their careers and businesses. I love sharing the real and raw truth of what it takes to achieve success. One of the reasons I love my job is that I get to help other women make an impact in the lives of others INTERNATIONALLY.

Today I get to share the story of the results that Carolina Martins, from Chile, had after we worked together. We had multiple Skype calls together to make sure that she achieved her business goals. I love how my clients are knocking it out of the park and not letting fear hold them back! Carolina was in a similar position as you when we started. She had a day job but really wanted to start a business to have freedom and flexibility and make an impact in the world. Watch the video above or read this case study to get inspired!

I hope you are inspired by Carolina's case study and I really want to touch on the fear aspect that Carolina brought up. Notice these words that Carolina said, "I am very excited with my results but at the same time always still facing that fear. You don't lose the fear, you confront it. I love that because no matter where you are at in business and what level you are at, you will always have some sort of fear, but as long as you face it, confront it head on. It's just a part of reaching your next true success and realizing everything that you can be and the impact that you can truly make in this world."

So because this is a training blog post of course, I also want to teach you two new things. Remember to download the worksheet below so you can take notes on these items I am about to teach you.

This is a question I get asked about a bunch and really the answer is something that holds so many people back.

How do you determine when you should make your exit from your day job?

Once you have this answer, you can take action and really make things happen. So I know we are all about making new years resolutions and most people have a tendency to say this year I am going to start my business. I like to think of it a little different and chunk what you need to make happen in 90 days. and this is why all of my courses are 90 days because it's short enough to see the light at the end of the tunnel and to get excited about and it's long enough to actually make things happen! After coaching new business owners, this is historically when I see people making huge jumps and leaps so when I create Corporate Rescue Plans with my clients, we always chunk it down to 90 days.

So if you want big results in 90 days, download my free 90 day planner and then let's get started.

1) Write down three big goals that you want to achieve in the next 90 days.

2) Now, set your goals for the next 90 days with milestones in between at 30 days, 60 days and 90 days. Using the plan, complete the milestones.

If you need ideas of the types of goals my previous clients have set for their 90-DAY FREEDOM PLANS, here are some ideas:

-submit resignation letter for my day job by (insert date here)

-create an online product and make (insert what you want to make here) by (insert date here)

-Launch my online course by (insert date here)

-Get one new client by (insert date here)

-Get my website up by (insert date here)

-Get 100 Facebook fans by (insert date here)

-Send out a survey and identify my ideal client by (insert date here)

-Book 2 speaking events by (insert date here)

-Send out an email newsletter by (insert date here)

The second thing I want to teach you is another big question that I am often asked: How much money do I need to have saved?

Here's what I have to say! Cash flow it baby! You don't need a crazy amount of money. Trust me. How myself and many of my clients in The Corporate Rescue Plan have gotten off the ground is by selling a product and then making and improving and testing while you go. It doesn't have to be perfect and it forces you to take action and make things happen and improve it for your clients as you go.

Now I am all about getting out of debt. Please do this if you can. And I am all about setting a budget and making it streamlined and systematized. I work with each of my clients on their profit plan and their expenses and budget so they know where they are headed and what they need to make in the 90 days for it to happen. A lot can happen in 90 days my friends.

A lot of revenue can happen even in just 30 days. So I can't give you an exact number to have saved because I don't know where you live. Obviously, it will be a lot different in New York City than it will be in Iowa. But what I want you to know is that you don't need a huge investment or capital. There are ways to cash flow it and to start with zero dollars and get your business off the ground fast so don't let the money excuse stop you.

And I know what you are thinking, "Oh great, the hard money questions. Can I pretty please skip this part?"

No you absolutely cannot! But, don't worry. We are going to make this fun! I am going to help you make your dream business a reality.

It's so important that you also understand this KEY COMPONENT to money and being an entrepreneur. What you track increases. The more you track what is coming in and going out, the more it will increase. Trust me! The months that I track daily what comes in have been my highest earning months. The months that I forget to track because I am busy end up being my lowest months. Why because I am motivated and I want to reach my goals when I am tracking so it drives me to hitting them over and over again!

So here are the top 5 questions you need to ask yourself to determine how much you need to make and have saved before you ditch your day job:

1) How much do you currently take home per month in your day job?

2) What are your current expenses per month?

3) Are there any expenses that are not necessary that you can stop now?

4) What is the amount of money you absolutely need to make in your new business to quit your day job?

5) How much money do you currently have saved?

I think you will find just writing down your answers to this will help ease some stress. Sometimes we get really overwhelmed for hours not looking at the money stuff that when we look at it for 15 minutes, it just makes us feel so much better. So spend a couple of minutes going through those questions today.

I also wanted to crush another objection that people often have when starting a business. And I hear this ALL THE TIME!

I have too many ideas! I am so overwhelmed. I don' t even know where to start!

So lots of ideas is good but not if you are trying to start a business alone. I also suffer from bright shiny object syndrome and always want to start something new. In the past I started a lot of things very quickly without making a few products and programs AWESOME. It wasn't until I talked this over with my own coach and now my team that I finally got clarity and could focus on one idea instead of a ten.

SO pick one thing and stick to it. It's also important to start saying no to opportunities too because as you will learn as a new entrepreneur, you will be asked to participate in a million things. You must learn to say no to focus on what is really important. Your purpose and profit.

SO here's what you need to do:

1) I want you to write all of your business ideas down.

2) Out of all of your ideas, which ideas do you feel are the most important right now?

3) Out of all of the ideas, which ideas would make you the most money the fastest?

As you can see, I teach a simple way to take all those ideas in your head and narrow them down to what you need to start now.

Just this week I was on a call with one of the members in The Corporate Rescue Plan and I helped her narrow down her ideas. She had one idea - a product business and her second idea was a consulting business. She wanted to do the product business because she was passionate about it. But I helped her focus on the money and her purpose. Selling products is not a business if you are only selling $20 t-shirts and have to get it off the ground! I want you to make this transition in 90 days so we focus on profit at the very beginning of my Corporate Rescue Plan.

Your passion is GREAT but I want you to be passionate about it and more importantly PURPOSEFUL about it, so that you are completing your purpose and making a profit. And I just shared with you two steps in my 5 step system that I will be sharing with you more on my third video blog post NEXT WEEK!

Thank you again for joining me in this second video blog post. I am so excited to help you control your destiny and make your business dreams a reality. No longer will your voice and ideas not be heard at your day job. You truly have the opportunity to change your life and spend more time being happy. You can reach your career dreams, I believe in you!

In next week's blog post, I will tell you more about my 5-step FREEDOM system to help you ditch your day job and transition into profitable, freedom-based online business living your ideal lifestyle in 90 days or less. In the next video, I am going to dive deep and share more than I have ever shared before and give you the complete system that I give to my private clients who pay me thousands of dollars to work with them.

So until then, share your comments below this post, what did you learn from the video today? Share with us what your 90-day goal is and what milestones and actions you are going to take to reach that goal.

Can't wait to see you in the comments!

P.S. If you are ready to start your dream business and want mentorship from me to get it done in the next 90 days. Let's chat. Here's a link to my schedule or do it yourself and take the brand new self-study option.
