How to Get Into Great Shape Without Exercise

By Dietdoctor @DietDoctor1

Is it possible to get into great shape, even if you hate exercise? Yes. There could be a way.

In this interview from this year's Low-Carb Cruise, Darryl Edwards - the Fitness Explorer - talks about his own health journey and explains how you can get in great shape without exercise. The secret? Play.

Watch it

Watch a section above, where Edwards shares the beginning of his own personal journey. The full 35-minute interview is available (with captions and transcript) for members:

Get Into Great Shape Without Exercise - Darryl Edwards

Start your free membership trial to watch it instantly - as well as over 140 low-carb related video courses, movies, other interviews, or presentations. Plus Q&A with experts, etc.


Here's what our members have said about the interview:

I´ve been very happy about all the information on this website, especially being a doctor myself I was so surprised by some of the info (which seems to be going so much against 'common medical knowledge') but I wasn't so happy about the not needing to exercise to make it work so now that I've seen this brick in the wall, I´m very glad that there is mention of movement and it seems perfectly practicable for almost anyone without having to become an 'exercise nut'.
- Aline

This video is great, especially for any of us who do not want to, or cannot, become a gym enthusiast. Darryl Edwards' advice on incorporating activity in a natural, familiar, fun way (that would be individual for each person's desires and needs) is excellent! I am not doing the video justice by my comments, so please just watch the video and see for yourself. 🙂
- Jools

Get Into Great Shape Without Exercise - Darryl Edwards