How To Eat More Superfoods

By Fitfulfocus @fitfulfocus
It seems like a new superfood comes onto the health scene every week. What exactly are they and how can you eat more superfoods on the reg? I've got some simple tips and tricks for how to fit these bad boys into your diet. This post is sponsored by Honey Colony.

Kale. Honey. Ginger. We hear about these things that are considered "superfoods," but what does that mean? What does it take for a food to be super? Immortality? Super strength? Well... in a way.

There's actually no real definition of "superfood", but foods that receive the elite label of "super" tend to be very nutrient dense. They're foods that contain tons of vitamins and minerals along with antioxidants and sometimes even probiotics. They're thought to be good for the body and mind. Eating them may help reduce the risk of disease and may even prolong life.

I'm of the mindset that the more superfoods you eat and the less not-so-super foods (i.e. things that are processed or packed with chemicals) the better off you'll be, but with so many superfoods out there, how can you possibly squeeze them all in?

I've got a few simple tips for how you can easy fit more superfoods into your diet.


Eggs are packed with high-quality proteins, healthy fats, iron, essential amino acids and more. When I have eggs for breakfast, I find that I have more energy in the morning and stay fuller longer. I love whipping up a batch of these egg muffins over the weekend and grabbing them for breakfast each morning during the week. Get in more superfood power by adding things like spinach, mushrooms, asparagus and salmon or topping off your egg muffin with some fresh avocado.


One of my favorite ways to fit more superfoods into my diet is to make a salad or a power bowl filled with them. You'll get nutrients and tons of flavor all in one. Load a plate up with spinach, quinoa, salmon, blueberries and pistachios. Drizzle on a little healthy dressing. Soon you're belly will be full of superfood goodness, and you'll be ready to take on the afternoon.


Snack time is probably the easiest time of day to grab something processed, but those foods can leave you feeling sluggish. Instead of grabbing the nearest pre-packaged bar, arm yourself with an arsenal of superfood snacks. A small handful of trail mix made with raw almonds, pistachios and fresh berries is a great option. A nice juicy apple is another. You can even whip up your own healthy energy bars or bites ahead of time. They're easy to prepare, will fill you up, and will help keep you energized until your next big meal.


Smoothies are a great way to squeeze more superfoods into your day without even realizing it. A little almond milk, a little pumpkin puree, a little spinach, a little ginger, a little frozen banana, a little handful of frozen blueberries, and you've got a whole lot of superfood power!


Supplements are the quickest way to get in the extra things you need. I take a supplement for healthier skin, hair, and nails. I take a supplement to help unwind and recover at the end of the long day, and lately, I've been adding a supplement to get in more superfood power: Equilibrium Energy Superfood.

Equilibrium is a special blend of organic and wildcrafted ingredients created by HoneyColony, an online shop filled with products from companies who uphold high-quality standards that value planet, humanity, honesty, and fair-trade practices.

The main ingredient in Equilibrium is raw honey, which a superfood all on it's own.

"From there, 11 other superfoods are added-each one organic or wildcrafted, potent, and boasting it's own numerous health benefits. Combined, these 12 ingredients bring harmony to a life filled with stress, toxins, and negative energy."

The idea is that it naturally stimulates the nervous system to enhance brain function, support muscle relief, provide anti-inflammatory support, and keep you in the energy zone. How 'bout them super powers?

I've been taking a heaping teaspoon every morning on an empty stomach, so I start the day off with the power superfoods. It has a slightly sweet taste and a thick, almost pasty texture. I actually think it's quite tasty.

According to HoneyColony, the benefits of Equilibrium include:

  • Superfood formula comprised of 12 individual superfoods (check out the benefits of each superfood here)
  • Provides long-lasting, cellular energy
  • Increases stamina and endurance
  • Improves oxygen utilization for enhanced performance
  • Supports physical adaptability
  • Boosts electrolytes
  • Boosts anti­-oxidants
  • Supports DNA and cellular repair
  • Enhances brain function
  • Anti-inflammation, anti-bacterial, anti-viral support
  • All bee products come from family-owned California farms
  • High quality jar protects from negative influences of light
  • Each batch receives Certificate of Analysis to ensure highest quality
  • Non-GMO
  • All ingredients certified Organic or wild-crfafted
  • Free of added sugar, gluten, soy, nuts, wheat, herbicides, and pesticides

I love how easy this makes it to get in a boost of superfoods, and while don't feel a jolt of energy or intense powers of focus necessarily, I'm definitely not feeling sluggish. As I mentioned, it has a subtly sweet taste, so I don't mind taking a teaspoon on its own. That said, I've also mixed it into a yummy morning smoothie.

Equilibrium is made in small batches to ensure high quality, exact measurements, and consistency in every jar, and the jars themselves are high-quality Biophotonic that only let sunlight in to improve the substances in each formula. It's definitely a premium product, which means it comes at a premium price. A 12 oz jar, which should last a month if you take a teaspoon a day, is $98.50. I honestly don't know if I could justify that price each month, but if you struggle to get superfoods into your day, it's definitely a great option to do so. Plus, HoneyColony promises that if you find a better superfood mix, they'll give you your money back.

If you want to learn more about Equilibrium, this article provides a more detailed breakdown of all the ingredients and health benefits, and you can purchase a jar right over here.

So whether you're making a salad or getting a quick fix via a supplement, you're now fully equipped to get your superfood on!

Let's Chat:
What's your favorite superfood?
How do you fit more superfoods into your diet?

This post is linked up with Meatless Mondays.