How to Create a Simple Rose Nail Design on Your Nails (Easy)

By Amber Johnson @AmberCJohnson

Hey everyone! Today I’m going to show you how to create an adorable, vintage rose print nail design simply and easily! This is a nail look I did about a year ago, but never got around to posting it. I love the color of the background and the red roses and think the contrast is just gorgeous. The colors go so well together, and I think this nail design would look good on anyone.
This look is perfect for Spring, and Spring officially starts TOMORROW! Yeahh! I’m so excited because I hate winter and can’t stand the boring, mundane clothing everyone wears, and the chilly weather and obnoxious snow. I’m ready for it all to melt and the flowers to start growing! Anyways, let’s get into the tutorial!

Rose Nails

Here are all the Steps and Products I used:

If you like this nail look, you’ll love the tutorials I have on my YouTube channel for other nail designs.
Subscribe to my Fashion and Beauty YouTube Channel!


1) Apply a base coat to protect your nails.

2) Paint your nails using a yellow nail polish. This is the best yellow nail polish I’ve ever seen in my life and I love using it. It’s like a mustard yellow, but not too mustard-y.

3) Wait for the yellow to dry a bit, then use a nail art brush, toothpick, or anything you can find to make red blobs on your nails in the shape of a rose. They should be a bit round and bumpy.

4) Once that’s dry, use a black striper, or a black nail polish or paint and a nail brush to draw curved shapes to define the rose petals.

5) Paint tiny pointed leaf shapes on the sides of the roses. Do 2 to 4 for each rose.

6) Wait for everything to dry, then add a topcoat. Everything needs to be dry first so the topcoat won’t smudge and mess up your design.

Now you’re done, and you have beautiful, vintage looking, rose nails! Wear them proudly!

Products Used

-Sally Hansen Continuous Treatment Base and Top Coat – Clear

-Sinful Colors Nail Polish – Pull Over (Yellow)

-Wet n Wild Megalast Nail Color – Red Tape (Red)

-Sinful Colors Nail Polish – Irish Green

-Black Acrylic Paint

Nail Gallery

Here are some more photographs of this simple rose nails design. I think it looks really vintage and pop, and just really cool to me. I got loads of compliments on this easy nail design, and I’m sure you will too if you follow the steps and do it yourself.

Related Posts:

-Chalkboard Nail Tutorial

-Overlapping Triangle Nail Tutorial

Thanks for stopping by! Please subscribe to my blog if you like it! xoxo Amber C Johnson from Super Beauty Guru <3