How to Change the Way A Country Eats

By Dietdoctor @DietDoctor1
18 21:05

How do you change the way a country eats? On a total budget of only $6,000? That's the question Jayne Bullen answered at the recent Low Carb USA conference.

Bullen is a manager at the Noakes Foundation, working closely with Professor Tim Noakes. She talks about how the foundation is making a huge impact in South Africa, a country facing an immense diabesity epidemic. All this without massive budgets or funding through commercial channels.

It's a great talk - one of the most inspiring of the conference - about people doing incredible work that is desperately needed.

Watch it

Watch the whole presentation on our member pages, including captions and transcript:

How to Change the Way A Country Eats - Jayne Bullen

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Here's what our members have said about the presentation:

Amazing work!
- Aline

One of the best presentations. Can you please upload Francizca Splitzer presentation ❤️ Thank you
- Isabel

Loved the video. Amazing work. :-)
- Marianne

What a great work. Congratulations! We so much need a Dr Noakes in Brazil....
- Teresa

This is so amazing! Please, you have to make this video available to non-members. More South Africans need to hear this message; more poor communities need to hear this message! LCHF is not just for the 1%. What 'Eat Better South Africa' is doing is inspirational.
- Bronwyn

Great video. Very inspiring. Would like more info on what people actually are eating in the program, but in many respects, I suppose it is about what they are not eating! Love Tim Noakes. I think he needs to come to Canada!
- Jennifer

How to Change the Way A Country Eats - Jayne Bullen

The next conference

The presentation is from this year's Low Carb USA. It's the top low-carb conference in the US. Next year's conference will take place August 3 - 6, 2017 in San Diego. Sign up now for an early bird discount (50% off).