How to Care for Your Hair After a Hair Transplant?

By Alyssa Martinez @ItsMariaAlyssa

The first question that pops in everyone's head after a hair transplant is: how long does a hair transplant last? Well, the answer to this question depends upon how well you take care of your hair and scalp after the procedure. The time immediately following the surgery is a very delicate one. If you take the necessary precautions after each transplant session, you'll start to see the most significant results in about 6-8 months. But if you are beating around the bush and ignoring instructions or missing sessions, your hair goals and money will go to waste.

The success of your hair transplant depends less on the operation and more on the recovery. In the initial stages, your hair grafts will be weak and delicate, as immediately afterward, your scalp will need time to heal correctly. This is why taking care of your hair and scalp after a hair transplant is an essential part of the procedure.

There are some dos and don'ts that can help as a part of the aftercare. But because everyone's response to a hair transplant can be different, you must follow the care instructions provided to you from the physician or specialist. Since the procedure will require that you are lightly sedated, it is best if you take someone with you to drive you home after the procedure. This also helps with any after-care instructions given to you. After all, the second pair of ears is always nice to have for any medical procedure done.

Here are Some Instructions That You Could Use as a Baseline as you Recuperate:

  1. Keep your head elevated so that the swollen parts don't come in contact with something.
  2. Apply cold compresses on the sides of the swollen areas (careful to not place compress directly on the grafted areas.
  3. Keep your body hydrated. Drink water at regular intervals during the day.
  4. Use a neck pillow to help your head relax in the early stages after the operation.
  5. Wash your hair gently when doing it for the first time.
  6. Keep your fingers gentle so that you don't pluck the transplanted hairs.
  7. Once any scabbing is healed, you are free to dye, curl, or cut your hair.
  8. Take your medications as prescribed by the doctor. Of course, if you have any adverse reactions, you should contact your doctor immediately or go to the emergency room.
  9. Washing and rinsing your hair should be done using a large jar or a pitcher.

Of course, since the above are are things you can do, here are some things you would want to avoid:

  1. Do not panic if you sense recurrent phases of hair loss immediately after the procedure. It is normal. Sometimes, the hair can shed for up to three months following the procedure.
  2. Do not let your head slide against the pillow during the early stages of recovery. It can expose the scalp and cause bleeding or hair loss.
  3. Do not touch the swollen areas of the scalp with anything.
  4. Avoid washing your hair for the first 2-3 days following the procure.
  5. Do not rub shampoo directly onto the scalp. If you have to, just massage it gently without disturbing any of the transplanted roots.
  6. Avoid scratching the grafted parts of your head.
  7. Do not engage yourself in outdoor activities and heavy exercising during the first few days.
  8. Avoid smoking and consuming alcohol after surgery.

The lifetime and condition of your hair transplants ultimately depend on how well you care for your hair after the procedure. Failing to take proper precautions can make all your efforts of getting the hair transplants futile. Just remember to ask a lot of questions both before and after your procedure.