How Old is She?... Wanna Guess?

By Mmpotrony @mmpotrony
Hey guys, in this post I want to introduce you to Masako Mitzutani...How old is she?...   wanna guess?

She is a japanese housewife that lives in Nagoya , and she is 43 years old. YES! I did not misspelled the number, she IS 43 YEARS OLD! It looks like she made a pact with the devil to look that young. In Japan the call women that look that young "US-Witch" - women over 35 that look like teenagers. She says she spents 5 hours taking care of her skin, everyday, no excuses. She has two kids, her daughter is 20 years old. How old is she?...   wanna guess?
How old is she?...   wanna guess?
How old is she?...   wanna guess?

I'm still in shock.
