How Often Do You Use the Membership?

By Dietdoctor @DietDoctor1

How often do you use the membership? We asked our members and got almost 5,000 replies. Here's what people answered:

This is a good start. But we want to make our member site so delightful and useful that most members will love to visit daily. Here are three things that we're working on to achieve that:

1. Up-and-coming app

An app would make it easy to get access to Diet Doctor - right from your pocket. This is only in the planning stage at the moment, so we'd like to get your input:

What features should be in the up-and-coming app?

2. Meal plans

With our new meal planner service, you get support from Diet Doctor in your day-to-day low-carb lifestyle. It helps you with your everyday planning and shopping of low-carb food - necessary steps to help you stay on track.

Here you can check out our new meal planner (free trial).

3. Videos

The Diet Doctor videos give you new information from leading experts in the low-carb field, and teach you new things so that you can make tweaks to your diet and lifestyle as you go.

It's also a great motivational tool - continuous learning keeps you curious and dedicated.

Here are our most popular videos at the moment:

Is there something else that would make you want to use the membership daily? Please let us know in the comments below!

Try the membership

Do you want more help with making low carb simple? Diet Doctor is free of ads, products for sale, and sponsorships. Instead, we're 100% funded by the people through our optional membership.

Do you want to get access to our meal planner service, check out our 190+ low-carb TV videos and ask our experts your questions? Join free for a month.

Meal plans

With a membership you also get lots of weekly low-carb meal plans (over 25 so far), complete with shopping lists and everything, with our premium meal planner tool (free trial).