How Often Do You Use the Membership?

By Dietdoctor @DietDoctor1

How often do you use the membership? We asked our members and got nearly 5,000 replies. Here are the results:

As you can see, about 7 in 10 members use the Diet Doctor membership at least once a week, while about half use it several times a week or more. However, 2 in 10 use the membership only a few times a month.

Meal plans are coming in January

Starting January, all members will get a new and very useful membership product: Meal plans with shopping lists!

We think these meal plans and shopping lists will make people use the membership even more and make low carb simpler. Exciting times.

Try the membership

Diet Doctor is completely free of ads, products for sale, and sponsorships. Instead, we're 100% funded by the people through our optional membership.

Do you want to check out our 150+ low-carb videos and ask our experts your questions? Try the membership (free for 30-days).