How I Was Advised to Sharpen My Memory

By Gran13

Some tips I was given for sharpening my memory:

  • Try to recall the location of as many objects in your house as you possibly can.
  • Learn something new every single day if possible but concentrate while doing so.
  • Try to remember people’s names after the first introduction. Avoid distractions while thinking about them.
  • Make an effort not to multi-task.
  • Pack away your calculator and calculate figures in your head.
  • Do crossword puzzles or suduko.
  • Make sure to have sufficient sleep. If  you don’t sleep well at night, take a nap after lunch.
  • Eat healthy food.
  • Go for a walk every day or at least every second day.

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Sue Jones nominated me for the Versatile Blogger Award and I would like to thank her for doing so and congratulate her as this is her second award. Here is the link to her blog.