How I Made Extra $$$ to Afford & (Almost) Get Luxury Items for Free…

By Maiyab @maiyab26

Hey everyone!

So we all want that extra $$$ to indulge ourselves with guilty pleasures that we normally can’t buy due to the price tag, low income, tight budget, or even the guilt of buying it in the first place!

When I was about 16-19 years old, I used to love LOVE online shopping. However, I never really had the money to buy them and my parents wouldn’t really let me spend money on “expensive, unnecessary things” which, or course, seemed completely necessary for me! *sigh* … I’m pretty sure we’ve all been there when we were younger or even now as adults!

Anyways, so when I was in high school/freshman year of college with no job to make an income or when I had a job with low income, I used to earn extra money by doing things online at home. Something that’s super flexible and easy

Within a few weeks of research into various websites and taking part in various activities, I had earned about $50-200 per week, sometimes more, depending on how often I took part in different things! I was busy with school most of the time, so I couldn’t really invest that much time into these online “jobs”. The earnings you make would be paid in the form on PayPal, Amazon, iTunes, and Sephora gift cards. I loved Paypal because it was easy to withdraw them as cash afterwards! I know these earnings aren’t much to make a living! BUT, it was enough to satisfy my online shopping addictions for those cute dresses, shoes, makeup, facial products, books, etc!!! Or save up for luxury items!!! I mean, who doesn’t like (almost) free stuff online!?

How I made the extra cash?

I used earn extra $$$ from just trying out new products that haven’t been released yet and playing games, watching videos, searching random things on search engines, trying new apps, filling out surveys, etc. online! I even took part of this research study which payed me $50 just to fill out 30-60 second surveys for a period of 10 days! Easiest cash I’ve ever earned!

These are some of the sites (click to view them) I had participated in to make the extra $$$ and hopefully, these help you guys too!!!





Global Test Market


Happy earning!

Xo! – S