How Drug Companies Attempt to Brainwash Your Family Doctor

By Dietdoctor @DietDoctor1

Here's a good article about how the education of family doctors is often taken care of by drug companies:

The Star: Drug Companies Wine and Dine Family Physicians

Not that any family doctor wants or expects to become corrupted. But don't be surprised when you're offered a life-long prescription of dubious benefit after a 5 minute consultation with your doctor. It's just how the system works. Advertising works.

I've been to many many of these lunches and dinners myself during the last 16 years. Eventually they started to leave such a foul taste in my mouth that I stopped going. Except for once in a while to study the method and the shameless bias.

I feel that drug companies should not be allowed to do any sort of "education" of doctors, ever. It's seriously less like education and more like brainwashing. Doctors who can't see it are doubly deceived, unfortunately.

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