How Does China Slim Tea Work for Weight Loss?

By Stylishwalks @stylishwalks

Drinking a cup of tea is always refreshing and makes you energetic and lively. It also has a lot of health benefits and prevents arthritis, stroke, tooth decay, cancer and many other diseases. It makes you feel relaxed and also helps in losing weight.

china slim tea weight loss

Chinese Slim tea for weight loss:

  • Slimming tea is made by combining a number of natural ingredients and is excellent for your health and for reducing excess weight.
  • Some of the ingredients with which slim tea is made are green tea extract, bitter orange extract, ginger root and so on. These help in removing the extra fat stored in the body by loosening it and this way your body is made slim and fit.
  • Green tea contains compounds like catechins and polyphenols, which are antioxidants that keep you away from various diseases by flushing out toxins and harmful chemicals from the body. They also burn fat that accumulates in your body.
  • When all the harmful toxins are removed from the body, the metabolism of the body is enhanced and this helps in burning calories and removing fat deposits from the body.
  • Once you start having slim tea regularly, you start losing some of your appetite and start eating food that is needed by your body and no extra. You feel a sense of fullness once you have had enough food and you will not crave for extra food. You also lose the temptation to eat too much of fried food and candies that you had in the past. Soon you will have no problem in following a balanced diet.
  • Slimming tea also helps in lowering the blood pressure in people with high blood pressure and in reducing the level of cholesterol in the body.
  • Slim tea also has the advantage of enhancing your energy levels and in making your body immune to many diseases.
  • After a heavy meal, if you drink slim tea, the level of insulin in your body is reduced.
  • By getting rid of harmful toxins and chemicals from the body, you will have a healthy and glowing skin that also looks much younger. Many of the skin problems like acne, pimples, blemishes, dull skin etc are also removed by drinking slim tea regularly. Slim tea is even beneficial for treating eczema.
  • Other than controlling your blood pressure, slim tea is also good for reducing the risk of various other health problems like cancer, stroke and osteoporosis that is found in elderly people. You can also improve your oral health by consuming slim tea regularly.
  • The Cannabinoid receptors present in slim tea helps in reducing pain and nausea and calm your nerves. If you are suffering from headache or body pain, you may have a cup of slim tea and you will get relief from your pain.
  • Most of the people do not take slim tea because of its bitter taste. But now premium slim tea is available, which has a pleasant taste.
  • If you are feeling sleepy and low, have a glass of slim tea and you will get instant energy.
  • Slim tea also improves your concentration and mental power. So, make a habit of drinking slim for losing weight as well as for other health reasons.

Now that you have seen the benefits of drinking slim tea, have it regularly and you will the difference it makes to you. Slim tea along with a balanced diet and proper exercise will make you healthy and fit. You will also look young and glowing.

Teas That Make You Slim Are:

Green tea:

According to researches made, EGCG, a chemical found in green tea, helps in enhancing the metabolism of the body, thus helping in losing weight. It is said that green tea can burn up to 70 calorie per day. It is also rich in antioxidants. To make green tea, boil water and let it cool down to 85 degree Celsius. Then add a teaspoon of green tea leaves and steep for 2 to 3 minutes. Strain and drink it. You may add honey if you prefer it sweet.

Oolong tea:

Oolong is a semi fermented tea and is great for preventing obesity. It is effective in reducing fat and cholesterol in the body by burning excess fat. Have two cups of oolong tea daily and enjoy the vast benefits of the tea.

Peppermint tea:

Drinking peppermint tea alternatively with green tea helps in increasing the digestive process and burning more calories. This way it helps in losing weight. To make peppermint tea you can use peppermint leaves. Take a cup of boiling water and add a teaspoon of fresh peppermint leaves. You can also use dry leaves instead of fresh ones. Let it steep for 3 to 5 minutes and then strain it. Add honey in necessary and have it either hot or chilled. It has a rich aroma and relaxes you.

Rose tea:

Rose tea is made by mixing rose flowers freshly plucked from the plant and the bud of tea. The tea thus made has great therapeutic properties. It helps in flushing out toxins from the body and provides you a beautiful skin that looks young. It is also good for losing weight effectively. Rose tea is rich in Vitamins A, B3, C, D and E, and fights against infections. You can also prevent constipation by drinking rose tea.

Star anise tea:

Star anise is a fruit of a native tree in china and it is good for digestion and various problems related with digestion like diarrhea, nausea, stomach upset and so on. You can make tea from these fruits by steeping the pod in a cup of hot water for about 10 minutes and then strain. You may add sugar to it if you wish to have it sweet and then sip it slowly. It is good for your stomach and helps in maintaining your weight.