In these videos and in my blog, I’ve been sharing a lot with you about the importance of getting clear on your goals and then moving forward towards achieving them one step at a time. I also talked about how often it feels quite difficult and tough when we are working towards our goals.
And what I found myself sharing quite often with my private clients recently, and what I want to talk to you about today, is that you CAN make the whole process of working towards your goals more effortless. You can make it seem more fun and enjoyable – if you know few tips and tricks that are mostly around our mindset and HOW we approach the whole process.
So today I want to share with you ONE simple tip that will make the whole process of working towards achieving your goals more effortless. This will help you to shift away from “striving towards your goals” to enjoying the whole process and feeling it is more fun and easy for you.
When we work towards achieving our goals it is often about receiving something, such as receiving that particular result you desire. Or in the case of the final year PhD students with whom I am currently working within my online course – they all are striving towards receiving a PhD. And the final goal of receiving this particular thing often does seem hard and tough especially if it is such a huge project spanning over several years.
In our head we really want to receive this particular big thing and yet often we struggle with receiving much simpler things that are coming our way. For example, let’s ask you this one simple question: how do you react when someone gives you a compliment? How do you handle a compliment? Do you say: “Oh, this is just what I do!…” Or do you think that what you’ve done is not good enough? Or do you squirm because you feel uncomfortable that someone has given you a compliment? Or worse, do you start asking yourself who is this person to make this statement and doubting that they might not be qualified to make this judgment?
What does it have to do with you working towards your big goals? You really want to receive this particular result when you achieve your big goal and yet you struggle to receive much smaller and simpler things that are coming your way, such as a compliment. There is a contradiction in here! By having this mindset that does not allow you to receive a compliment graciously and with gratitude you are making it much harder for yourself to achieve and receive that particular result you want to get when you achieve your big goal.
A simple tip on how to make it easier for you to receive that big result you desire is to start learning to receive small things that are coming your way. And a good way to learning it is to start noticing compliments people give you and to receive them graciously and with gratitude.
I am not going into details how exactly it works in helping you with achieving your big goals, I simply add here that it works by changing our mindset around HOW we approach the process of achieving big results and it helps us to do it more effortless. In any case this tip is simple enough to try and see the power of it for yourself.
Here is your Productivity for Scientists assignment for this week:
1) Next time you hear that someone tells you how wonderful you look or that something you’ve done is quite good, NOTICE it. You need to learn to become aware of compliments, because many of us don’t even notice them.
2) Smile, say “thank you” and not a word more that diminishes the compliment.
Then watch how the whole process of moving towards that big goals you are working on becomes more effortless and fun.
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