Lea on the other handIs a gentle giant She's more sensitive More gentle She just wAnts you to rub her all day long And if you stop She will nudge your hand with her head until you start againLea is quite needyAnd any time I walk in to the kitchenShe gets up and follows me My mother jokes that Lea is a special needs dog Because she is not as smart as HoneyBut I think Lea deserves more credit than that When I let her out at night for her last run before bed When she is finished She will go around to the sitting room window And bark for you to let her inThat's pretty intelligent if you ask meLea was almost a Mama onceShe was pregnant with puppies But when we brought her for a check up There were no heart beats Although she still had to give birth to themSo it was quite the traumatic experience for her Lea found it really difficult when I was In treatment over the years Mum has told me how she fell in to depression And her fur even fell outYes There is no doubtLea is a sensitive little soul
Lea and Honey have been a source of great joy in my life A dog is a great companionA friend for life They have have been an integral part of my recovery tooWhen I couldn't find a reason to get out of bedI got up for them When I didn't want to leave the house I left to walk them They have been by my side every step of my recovery They have enriched my life I really believe that animals have the power to heal us Whether it's horsesOr catsOr hamsters They take us out of ourselves They remind us to forgive They give us something to focus on other than ourselves They are loyal and loving companions I love them so much
I'll leave you with this saying I wish I was as great as my dog thinks I am