HOLY CRAP I Lost 10 Pounds in 5 Days?!?!?!

By Kenin Bassart @Constantramble

I have to be honest, when we first started the 90-Day Challenge I was (and sorta still am) quite skeptical of the entire premise. I mean I just watched 10 pounds fly off my body in less than a week, but I need to see long term results before I shout it from the roof tops. Well maybe I’ll indulge myself just a little bit I mean, HOLY CRAP I lost 10 Pounds in 5 Days!!  I know the first 5 – 10 pounds of weight loss are usually water weight, so I’m intrigued to see what the next week looks like in terms of both how I feel and how much weight I lose. As of this moment though, stepping on the scale makes giddier than a school girl with a notebook covered in unicorns and rainbows!

What’s it like drinking shakes every day?

I have to say the jury is still out on this one. It’s a little too soon for me to say whether or not I can handle drinking the same thing 2x a day for the next 90 days. The shakes are remarkably filling, and taste pretty good too. The closest way I can describe the flavor is vanilla cake mix. It’s actually a bit too sweet for my taste, but I know that I’m probably in the minority with that statement. We’ve also been doing what we can to mix it up a bit, by eating a meal for lunch and having a shake for dinner, or by adding flavors to the shakes. Visalus offers 5 different flavor mix-ins, but my favorite is home grown and great, coffee! That’s right, I just add 4 ounces of black coffee to my morning shake and it’s a tastetastic experience!

How does it make me feel?

I must admit, the first day or two me and my body weren’t happy with the whole system. I have a relatively sensitive digestive tract, and the combination metabo-boost pills, protein shakes, and vitamins kinda dropped on me like a bomb. On top of that, I pretty much hate milk and I was using whole milk that first day, so part of that might be my fault.  I made the switch to soy milk or 2% milk and my system has been happy ever since.  Otherwise, I feel pretty spiffy! The transformation kit is pretty well balanced and I’ve had a lot of energy each day and have managed to not be too cranky (I’m sure Lauren would disagree) .

My Weekly Progress Report

Weight at Beginning of 90-Day Challenge – 300.2 lbs

Weight as of this writing – 289.2

Exercise – 4 days of walking/jogging 30 minutes per session up and down hill, 1 day of walking at a theme park all day, 1 day of rest.

To follow along on my journey and keep me on track, subscribe to our email list for weekly updates.

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