HLC Turns 2!

By Healthlovechoc

Today is this little blog’s 2nd birthday. We actually share a birthday, although we are 20 years apart. But 2 is a much more fun age than 22, so we will let HLC bask in the celebration today. Hopefully this makes up for the fact that I forgot the blog’s 1st birthday…

I started this blog 2 years ago while hanging around my parent’s house for the summer while I was homeless apartment hunting. The start of a new year for me seemed like the perfect time to finally put myself (and my food) out there into the Internet world, instead of just stalking other bloggers (and their food). So there you have it, the not so exciting birth story of the blog.

I think one person read my first post. Thank you, kind soul.

Of course, my first post was on a .wordpress.com page with a much less attractive layout. How do you all like the HLC makeover?

Now that I have had a chance to connect with all you amazing people, I can’t imagine not sharing my life through this blog. Because we all know no one in real life wants to listen to me talk about waffles for two hours.

Or try and understand why I hang on bars for fun.

Or wants me to explain what a burpee is. Let alone do them with me.

So thank you, all of you, for coming on this crazy journey with me. I hope you’ll stick around for more waffles, pull ups, burpees, and whatever else I find myself shoving in my mouth or subjecting myself too.

Here’s to another year! [Insert Kombucha Toast Here]