His is How to Burn 1 Cm Abdominal Fat Quickly and Easily!

By Jeak @mylifeandheath

how my life and health
his is how to burn 1 cm abdominal fat quickly and easily!

This small container that keeps you from putting your pretty tight dress or bikini this summer, may be difficult to eliminate. In fact, reduce the waist size is not the task easier, due to the resistance of this part of the body. Associate healthy and regular physical activity are certainly key to get there, but there are however some natural tips that can accelerate this process. Here’s an easy recipe to prepare to help you burn abdominal fat.

Thighs, hips, buttocks and belly are the most difficult parts to refine. Abdominal fat is especially more stubborn! Even adopting a healthy lifestyle, some people are unable to reduce their waistline and give up easily. However, be aware that the weight loss process generally requires serious commitment and perseverance. We must therefore be patient to achieve this goal.

Some people want to lose the extra kilos for aesthetic reasons, while others seek to preserve their health. Indeed, the accumulation of body fat has been associated with many health problems such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure or cholesterol. The abdominal fatness is, in turn, directly related to cardiovascular disease and would even double the risk of heart disease. According to the INTERHEART study, the risk of myocardial infarction increases by 19% for each increase in the waistline.

However, to prevent these complications and get rid of kilos more, changes in your eating habits are needed. So Promote seasonal fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, good fats and grains whole grains. Processed foods often very high in salt, fat and sugar are eliminated. In addition, regular physical activity, with 3 sessions per week at a minimum, is highly recommended.

For best results, here is a natural recipe that will help you quickly get rid of abdominal fat:

125 g of horseradish
3 lemons
3 teaspoons honey
Start by mixing the horseradish in a blender, then add the juice of 3 lemons and finish with honey. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and place the resulting syrup in a glass bottle.

Take a teaspoon twice a day before meals for 3 weeks. You can repeat this treatment (3 times a year only), but be sure to leave a minimum of 3 weeks between.

Benefits of ingredients:
The lemon :

This citrus fruit rich in vitamin C and citric acid strengthens the immune system to better fight the viruses of different diseases. Thanks to its high antioxidant content, lemon helps protect body cells against free radicals that can damage them and cause premature aging. essential ingredient in beauty recipes, lemon is also used in the preparation of several beverages for weight loss. Indeed, it can boost metabolism and promote fat burning. It also has an appetite suppressant effect and dietary fiber, especially pectin, helps reduce appetite and a feeling of lasting satiety.

Honey :
To clean the skin, moisturize hair or cure many health problems, the virtues of honey are numerous. This natural sweetener is used since ancient times because of its therapeutic properties.

It is rich in trace elements, antioxidants, minerals and vitamins, beneficial to the body and the immune system they build.

In addition, honey provides sustainable energy to the body because it is absorbed more slowly. It also provides a feeling of satiety long term which helps reduce cravings for snacking.

Horseradish is a plant with different medicinal properties. Rich in vitamin C, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron, manganese and vitamin B1, B2 and B6, horseradish promotes digestion and decreases intestinal gas. This is an excellent diuretic that helps eliminate toxins accumulated in the body and hindering its smooth operation.

Horseradish has antibacterial properties, improves blood circulation and relieves joint pain.

Furthermore, horseradish can also help lose weight. Indeed, this herb stimulates metabolism for better fat burning.

Caution :
Horseradish is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women and young children. It is also not recommended for people who have stomach or thyroid problems with hypertension or taking anti-inflammatory medication or treatment against cancer.

his is how to burn 1 cm abdominal fat quickly and easily!