Hiphop Skin Care Face Scrub in Coffee Review

By Natasha Bhatt
Hey everyone,Hope you all had a great start to the week. Mine was good. In the past you may have read my reviews on this awesome brand Hip Hop Skin Care. They have amazing products at affordable prices. Today I shall be reviewing the Hiphop Skin Care Face Scrub in Coffee. This my first time using a coffee scrub. I was very excited to try it and will share my reviews on the same today. Read on to know more about this product....

Price: Rs.98/- for 120g. You can buy the product hereWebsite: life: 36 months from manufacturing date.

Their range of Face Scrubs are available in 4 variants:
  • Coffee
  • Kiwi 
  • Strawberry
  • Apricot
What the brand says about the product:Hiphop Coffee rejuvenating scrub with real coffee bean extracts is a hot new concept in skin care.Its non comedogenic effect, Vitamins c, E & anti oxidants provide an invigiorating massage & leave an intoxicating scent to awaken your senses.
The face scrub comes in an opaque white and brown packaging with coffee beans depicted in the front of the tube. It has a flip cap which makes life easy. The ingredients are mentioned at the back along with the price and other instructions. It is travel friendly and you can easily carry it with you wherever you go.

Coming to what I think of this scrub I think it is one of the best I have ever used and I shall tell you why. The color of the scrub is light peachy brown (resembling coffee color) with lots of fine granules which act as a scrub and it also smells delicious :P  Initially when  I applied the scrub I found it quite granular compared to any other scrubs I have ever used. I did wet my face and massaged it on my  face and neck for 3 to 5 minutes using a light hand and going in round circular motions. Staying in Mumbai and the pollution around the skin becomes dull very easily and I do scrub my face once in a week using natural ingredients at home or with a scrub I would have. 

Once I took it off and washed my face my skin felt instantly softer and brighter. If you may know that coffee brightens dull skin this scrub did the same (check picture). It did deep clean my open pores which is a skin care problem I have and made me feel fresh. My skin did not dry which some scrubs would do. This product is cruelty free which is like Yayy and hence a product I would love to try again as it is so inexpensive. Some people would argue about the parabens part in the ingredient list but I am ok with it as most products do contain and I do not see a huge proportion. The scrub did not break me out and worked well for my oily to combination. It should work for dry skin beauties too and all skin types as they claim.The Good:Easily available online and in retail outlets in Mumbai.Very inexpensive.Decent packaging with a flip cap.Ingredients mentioned.Works for all skin types.Does not dry the skin.Makes skin look brighter.Cruelty free

Travel friendly

The not so Good:ParabensRating: 4.5/5Hiphop Skin Care Fae Scrub is definitely worth a try with the price tag and the fact it does its job well and does not dry the skin too. Hence I highly recommend this product to all unless you are very particular about the parabens which I am ok with because 95% of the products contain Parabens in some form or other as per my knowledge.I hope this review was helpful and informative to all those reading. Please leave a comment with your inputs and new visitors can leave their links for me to follow back.Thank you for stopping by.. xoxo
P.S: PR Sample** Honest review