Himalaya Hairzone Solution Review

By Tmomw

Hi Everyone,

I have been really busy with some personal stuff and hoping to post new reviews but have not been able to. Anyways today I’m going to share a review of an anti-hairfall solution from Himalaya called Himalaya Hairzone Solution. As you know Water here in Bangalore is very hard and its making my hairline thin. So, I’m in desperate need of a hair remedy which can stop me going bald. I have waist length hair but it has become very thin so I think I should chop it till my shoulders.

The weather here is very gloomy and it started somewhere starting of the November month and we barely see sunshine. From last few days we did have a few hours of little sunshine. Coming back to the main topic the review, read it full to know more about this solution.

Product Claim:-

Prevents hair fall and promotes hair growth: Hairzone prevents follicle degeneration and stimulates hair growth. It also enhances hair tensile strength, promotes hair follicular density and hair follicle count. Hairzone inhibits chemotherapy-induced dystrophic changes in growing follicles and premature regression of severely damaged hair follicles.

Provides symptomatic relief: Hair fall is a common symptom associated with a dry and itchy scalp. The natural ingredients in Hairzone are potent antimicrobial and astringent agents. They effectively manage fungal, bacterial and viral infections of the scalp, which reduce itchiness, dryness and hair fall. – From Himalaya Website


INR 250





Palasha (Butea monosperma) inhibits hair follicular degeneration and extends the anagen (hair growth) phase. It is an astringent which relieves minor skin irritation resulting from scalp fungal infections. Palasha is also an antioxidant with potent free radical scavenging properties, which prevents hair fall.


Palashabheda (Butea parviflora) is an antimicrobial agent that effectively eliminates bacteria, viruses and fungi from the scalp. – From Himalaya Website

My opinion on the product:-

The solution comes in an opaque spray bottle which is nice and sturdy. The spray nozzle ensures overall uniform application without and wastage. The product itself is in a little yellowish in color which resembles like hair oil. The fragrance of the solution has some medicinal with strong alcohol smell to it. Its not very upsetting or pleasant to smell and is overall passable. The solution is light and gets absorbed swiftly.

I usually part my hair in small portions and spray it near to my hair root and then massage it a little. It doesn’t weigh down my hair and I like to apply it a night before my hair wash day. I have applied it regularly for about a month for every other day. And stopped using it after about 14 applications. I have always applied this on my scalp and not to the length of my hair. Therefore, the whole bottle was used within 1 month.

Now, my experience with the product that you have all been waiting for was actually not that amazing but overall satisfactory. It does help a little in reducing hairfall but not aids in promoting hair growth. I guess the alcohol in the solution does the trick.

The alcohol in the solution is 40% and the main ingredient is palash flower extract. Which oil as a base is used is not mentioned on the pack. The alcohol, palasha and palashabheda they all are good it eliminating bacteria and fungi from scalp which is typically the cause of hairfall most of the times. But sometimes when the root cause is hormonal changes, any diseases, diet and unhealthy habits it will of no use first locate the source of the hairfall and then carryout the necessary step to prevent. It is not a miraculous product and you need to use for at lest a month to get reasonable result.

What I Liked:-

Spray nozzle

Travel friendly

Suitable result

Good for any scalp infection

Does reduce hairfall

What I didn’t Liked:-

Opaque bottle


Takes time to give result

Will I repurchase and recommend:-

Maybe I repurchase when again facing hairfall and would recommend to use in similar conditions. Don’t use it as your daily hairoil.





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