Hily an Honest Look at Dating App

By Claireogden

How many dating apps are there? It seems like there are so many that I cannot even tell you how many I have signed up for in the past six months. Initially, I signed up for dating apps to make friends because I just moved to a new city. Almost all of the dating apps and apps that I have signed up for have let me down hardcore. I can’t tell if guys are just all sleazy or it is just the app that picks a rotten lot of them. Anyhow, as my inbox was being flooded with dick pics and annoying messages that just read, “hi.” I came across an ad on Facebook for Hily. Hily is an online dating app. I registered for Hily about five weeks ago. Let me tell you, Hily is the real deal. There is no messing around when it comes to matchmaking on this dating app.

What went wrong?

I just wanted to meet someone for dinner but on all the apps that I was a member no one seemed quite like they were on the same page as me. My first week on dating apps I signed up for one that is supposed to help you make friends. I made a proper profile but kept getting “junk mail” if you know what I am saying. Why is it that men think it is alright to send a picture of their junk unannounced? It makes me wonder, did I say something suggestive? Was I asking for it? No, I wasn’t because no matter what I could have said there is no justification for sending unsolicited nude photos. Needless to say that app was a wash.

I moved on to a app that catered more towards my values with hopes to meet someone that would be guaranteed to share my beliefs. I found a few good guys but the conversations were a bit meh. I mean why did the nice guys have to be boring. The few men that I actually connected with had ZERO personality. Maybe I was asking too much? So then I took to social media to hunt for success stories of people on different apps . It was nerve wracking for me because I am not very open about my personal life. Finally, I saw an Ad on Facebook for Hily. I read a few reviews on this online dating app and signed up for it the following day.

Why Hily is better.

Hily is an online dating app that links to all of your social media accounts and compiles the data on each of them to make what I like to call a mega-profile. I know, I know, this method sounds familiar to any other apps . It is a bit different. Hily uses machine learning to match potential suitors to you. Other apps match people that like baseball together but Hily takes it one step further and takes the data, learns about it to create a genuine “personality” for you and matches with corresponding users. This is one of the most accurate methods of matchmaking. I was matched with a handful of guys on Hily this week and I have been talking with two of them everyday. I haven’t found anything serious yet but at least my prospects have been more finely selected so that I will not end up with surprise dick pics or someone that has my morals and values but is as boring as chicken broth.

Happy Endings

Sometimes dating is boring and sad. You sit and fill out the perfect profile to open and inbox full of losers. On Hily they do the legwork for you with the machine learning capabilities to create a profile. Other apps expect you to be able to describe your likes and dislikes, your personality and faults. But what better way to describe yourself truthfully than your social media account history. I know I thought I was creating a profile that would draw the right crowd, but I think I was  creating a profile of the me I WANTED to be rather than the me that I AM. Other sites depend on the user to create honest information to display on their profiles but on Hily they find the real you through the data that you have put on social media over the past few years. Hily will match your best self to someone that fits your parameters perfectly. I was matched with a guy last week that I would not have initially swiped but I kept an open mind and now we have been talking every night for hours learning about each other and talking about all the books that we love to read and where we want to travel someday. I never thought I would find love online but I am getting closer to that everyday and I could not be more thankful to Hily.

Join Me and Hundreds of Others

Are you convinced yet? I can’t tell you how happy I am to share such wonderful news with you! No more mismatched conversations! If you or someone you know needs to find a date or make a love connection signing up for Hily with Facebook or email with this link (link to signup) is the best solution. Hily has a simple interface with many user friendly features. One of the newest features available is the “Events” tab. This is a part of Hily that connects you with other Hily users in real life settings. Is there a local concert that you want to go to but don’t have anyone to join you? Find local events on Hily and go with a date from the app. How cool is that? Enjoy your city with someone by your side and scare off those first meet up jitters at a fun event that both of you will enjoy whether sparks fly with you two or not. I hope that I reached out to someone and that you will find love and happiness on Hily. Happy Dating!