High Five for Friday

By Asullivan @asullivan85
i'm linking up with

 yo! it's friday!
1. my april fitness challenge group starts on monday. super pumped. i have such an amazing group of women who are serious about being healthy! can't wait. speaking of, i have a HUGE shipment of Shakeology sample packs going out this afternoon. if you aren't sure if you are ready to commit or HATE Slim Fast type shakes and protein shakes full of artificial junk and NO nutrients, you should give Shakeology a try. $4.00 a pack/invoices sent via PayPal!

2. instragram on android. a saw a bunch of loser iphone owners whining because instagram isn't exclusive to the iphone anymore. guess what? no one cares. well, maybe CNN does because it made their headlines.  no one cares that instagram was one of the very few cool FREE apps in the apple store. no one. switch over to android, folks. i have NEVER paid for an app. NEVER. i promise having a iphone isn't as cool as you think it is. and yes, i'm speaking to my generation. now, go try to watch something on your iwhatever that requires flash. good luck. ::end rant::
3. rainbow!
4. haircut. about 3 inches off...maybe 4? feels like 17. and darker, much closer to my natural color. thanks, God for the awesome color. i should have trusted you all along. 
5. this came. we will talk more about this later, but what i can tell you is that i'm beyond stoked and ready. i can also leave you with 2 hints. holistic nutritionist. word.