Hiatus... Only for a Short Time!

By Adelemarie @adele_marie90
Hey strangers! I just wanted to quickly type out this post to explain my brief absence. As most of you will probably know I've recently started my new job with Molton Brown and I am loving it! But along with a new job comes stress and hectic work days so due to this I may be a bit MIA from my little baby of a blog. I wish I was a super human and could manage it all but right now that just isn't possible! On my days off I will TRY my best to schedule some posts but at the moment these precious short days fly by and are being spent relaxing and spending time with my friends and family.So finally I just want to say a BIGTHANK YOU!For sticking by me and my little blog and hopefully when I get into more of a rhythm with my job all will resume as normal!Instagram / Twitter / Bloglovin'