Hey Girls,
Today’s review is not about any makeup product but a online shopping website. I had a wonderful experience shopping with Violetbag. Here’s a bit about the Violetbag, in their own words.
About Us
VioletBag.com brings the world’s finest brands in fragrances, skin care, cosmetics, hair care and beauty accessories to your dresser at the click of a single button. At VioletBag.com, we feel you need to spend more time knowing, choosing and experiencing the products that you buy. To that end, we have removed all nuisances from the shopping experience and that means:
No more running from one shop to another for your favorite product It is all here at the press of a button. Don’t see what you want? Tell us and leave the running around to us.
No more checkout queues You are the only person at checkout. Pay for items in your bag and you are done.
No more parking queues and traffic jams Order your favorite products from the comfort of your home or office and we pack and ship your products at no extra charge so you can use your time better.
No more late gifts Ever postponed your mom’s birthday gift to your next visit fearing damages in transit? Bag it with us and we will ensure that your mom gets her birthday gift on time and with no damages.
No more ill-informed experiments Would love to experiment with products but don’t know anything more than the price? Unlike shopping alley shelves, we provide you product information which goes beyond the price. Go through our product information and user reviews to make an informed experiment. Still not satisfied? Give us a call.
Not comfortable using your cards online? COD (Cash on Delivery) i.e. we will collect cash when we deliver your shopping bag to you.
Team Bringing your VioletBag to you is a self-driven and committed team of IIT/IIM graduates who founded VioletBag.com after having built another flourishing ecommerce startup. In addition to their experience in eCommerce, the VioletBag team, after successful career stints in leading companies, brings in expertise from areas like technology, product development, operations, finance and marketing. As is evident from their diverse backgrounds, each team member brings a unique set of capabilities to the table. As a group, they have valued these differences and have encouraged each other to question, create and experiment in their pursuit of excellence. However, the inimitable strength of the team lies in each individual’s ability to work independently and in their ability to build things from scratch. A deep sense of ownership has resulted in considerable throughput during the initial phases of development and roll-out; and as they go forward, it is their aim to continue building on these values and strengths in new members as well as within the organization.
My Experience with VioletBag First of all, I really liked the name VioletBag. It’s quite catchy and unique. Isn’t it ? Quite like their brand name, they provide a wonderful shopping experience. VioletBag is quite user friendly, easy to navigate. All one has to do is to select the product, add it to the shopping bag, make payment and provide your shipping details. Voila, you are done. VioletBag claims that orders shall be received within 3-5 working days. Absolutely True.
Here's a small breakup of how my order reached me: Thursday - Order Placed, SMS and email received within few minutes. Friday - SMS and email confirming shipping of order. Sunday - Order Received.
A few more features of VioletBag Navigation and User Friendly The website is quite easy to navigate and the procedure for placing order itself is quite simple and easy. You can place the order in just few clicks
Huge number of Brands The product range includes a large variety of brands and products to choose from. VioletBag are also the first shopping portal I came across which houses products from The Body Shop. Needless, to say, I got their much acclaimed exfoliating gloves.Their collection of perfumes and fragrances is simply mind-blowing. Have a look at their range of Fragrances.