Here’s How to Relieve Headaches in Seconds

By Jeak @mylifeandheath

Who would say no to a nice relaxing massage that would relax and heal certain ailments? And how about if you were told that you could do massage forehead of more good than a normal massage? You do not believe in it ? It proves you.

When we have a headache or that we suffer from an unbearable headache, we all have the unfortunate habit of throwing us automatically and blindly on the first painkiller box that falls under our noses. Excluding these drugs consumed in the long plunge us into a kind of addiction and discard it becomes more painful migraine which we suffered at the beginning. It would then consider natural solutions, more effective long term.

It comes straight from China. This ancient massage of 5000 years is increasingly adopted by people who suffer from frequent headaches, irritability, panic, anxiety, and insomnia … etc. His name may ring a bell because in fact it is a mixture between a normal acupuncture and massage. Acupressure is based on yin and yang meridians (acupuncture points), and the five elements (fire, earth, metal, water and wood). It is to exert pressure on small very specific points.

When you have a headache, this massage is a technique to remedy unstoppable. It is exercised on all of your front ie the forehead, temples and sinus area. It turns out is very effective when you do it every day, your headaches may disappear with time.

Technique of acupressure
As we have stated previously, this massage is ideal to treat joint pain and psychic. There are several acupressure points on the body include: wrists, neck, feet, hands, palms, neck … etc.

For headache, massage should be focused on your front: the top of the forehead to the center of your face. The items, once stimulated, have the particularity to release the excess of negative energy gathered and could not be released.

Practice small gentle movements alternating with small pressures. Massage gently and make sure to keep the right balance between sweetness and pressure.
Go the top of your forehead to the center of your face through temples. Do this massage for ten minutes.

The benefits of this massage
This massage is part of traditional medicine. It does not require medical assistance, but it must be done appropriately. It provides a sense of calm and general well-being, and helps restore the main body systems. It is also used to treat several kinds of physical and psychological ailments such as headaches, joint and dental pain, fatigue, stress, cramps, minor depression, insomnia, hyperactivity, eating disorders , muscle tension, back pain, nervousness … etc. In addition to its many advantages, acupressure causes the brain to relieve stress and increase positive body metabolism.

What does the science …
The facts MRI exams came to prove that the pressure put areas affect other areas of the body. For example, when you massage your forehead, your whole face can be stimulated.

However, acupressure has become a medical technique that requires an initial visit to a specialist for medical advice. For this massage is not recommended for some people:

  • People with cancer
  • People with osteoporosis
  • The people suffering from heart problems
  • People with problems of the spine
  • Pregnant women

To remember that the massage on the face can improve blood circulation in the face, relax muscles, reduce wrinkles and rejuvenate you so. Then adopt it, there are only good in acupressure.

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