Her Vanished Grace: Star-Crossed

Posted on the 21 August 2012 by Hctf @hctf

Long time followers of NYC dream pop quartet Her Vanished Grace a re in for a bit of surprise. The new album Star-Crossed kicks off with an angry bit of rock percussion introducing Car Crash, a loud and rather fast song that sidesteps their usual midtempo shoegaze psychedelica. After that it's business as usual, touching base with the Beatles, and a newly found fondness U2 (Fade Away sounds a lot like With or Without You and the deep bass sound of The Cure.

Her Vanished Grace won't get out of the underground with this new release, but they are still growing and expanding their sound. They are band for the inner circle of the music geeks, but the general public will have trouble digesting their idiosyncratic progressive post-rock approach. When David Lynch stops fucking around trying to write his own music and go back to directing, he must consider giving them a call for a prominent place on the soundtrack. A song like the meandering Earth Stood Still and vocals by Charles and Nance Nieland during Turn It Over deserve to be heard in glorious 5.1.

Her Vanished Grace:
Nance Nieland: guitar, vocals
Charles Nieland: guitar, vocals
Maria Theodosiadou: bass
Billy Loose: drums

Star-Crossed is a self-released album. Buy it from the band's website.

  1. Car Crash
  2. Fade Away
  3. Bridge Of Sighs
  4. Break Down
  5. Midnight Sun
  6. Turn It Over
  7. Hungry
  8. Star-Crossed
  9. Dawning
  10. Earth Stood Still

Live dates:
  • 09/08 Bar Matchless, 557 Manhattan Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11222
  • 10/06 Everything Louder Than Everything Else showcase at the STPP Festival at Mellow Mushroom, 2436 18th Street Northwest Washington, DC 20009

Video: Her Vanished Grace - Car Crash

» hervanishedgrace.com