Henna for Hair – How to Apply Henna In A Right Way?

By Khadija Beauty @khadijabeauty3

A person of every era knows hair is the most prominent symbol of their personality. If their hair is rough or the color of the hair is not according to their wish you may feel a lack of confidence in their personality. So People are dying their hair from centuries with the help of henna.

Now in the modern world by using different shampoos that have tons of chemicals in them are becoming the reason for growing white hairs at an early age. To get rid of white or gray hairs people start using hair dyes and unfortunately, these hair dyes also are full of chemicals. Luckily the revolution is people are now aware of these toxic chemicals and they refused to use these chemical products. So in the journey of becoming eco-friendly people are moving towards nature. They want to use 100% chemical free products.

What is Henna

Henna is one of the oldest natural products for hair. People are using henna paste form centuries to dye their hair. We get henna hair dye from the leaves of a plant named lawsonia inermis.  Henna is not only a natural hair dye but it can be used for multiple purposes. In Asia people used henna on nails to color their nails naturally.

Benefits of henna

Henna has so many benefits in it.

Henna hair dye

Henna is a natural hair dye. People use henna to turn their hair color into dark brown/red. It is 100% natural and chemical free so people who want to get rid of chemicals can use this without any hesitation.  But before applying henna on hair make sure that the specific henna paste which you are applying is chemical free.

Henna paste for scalp

Henna paste is very helpful for your scalp health. Some people who face frequent headaches also use the henna paste to get rid of it. Henna has some amazing nutrients which is very useful for scalp health. Applying henna paste twice a month helps scalp to reduce dandruff.

Henna for hair growth

As I addressed before that henna is full of natural nutrients.  Henna helps your hairs to grow faster than usual. It also increases the strength and volume of hair. Henna locks all the moister and keeps the hair hydrated. So we can say that henna paste is also a natural conditioner.

Henna as a natural conditioner

Using henna frequently creates a protective layer around hairs. So it prevents hair from damaging. Henna is a very good conditioning agent.

Henna for hair

It keeps your hair soft and healthy. It also repairs hair damage and prevents hair splits. Henna makes your hair shiny and strong. Henna is very useful for hair’s health. It also helps to maintain the ph level of hair

Henna is used as a form of a paste

How to prepare henna paste

Henna comes in a form of powder and you need to transform it into a paste.  The question is how you would do that? So I am going to tell you how you should made henna paste for best results

All the basic things you need to prepare henna paste

  1. A bowl
  2. A brush for mixing henna
  3. Plastic gloves

So there are multiple steps and ingredients which is used in making of henna hair dye paste

Firstly you need to know about the other ingredients which can be used in henna paste.

  • The most common ingredient is water. You can mix your henna into water and then you can apply it on your hair. But using only water may not helps you a lot for the good results
  • You can mix your henna powder in yogurt, egg and water
  • Henna powder can also mixed in coffee water if you have a desire for dark brown hair
  • Tea tree oil mustard oil and coconut oil can also be used
  • Rose water can also be used in mixing henna powder

Henna itself is very nutrient but mixing the above ingredients in henna is like cherry on the top

How to apply henna

Applying henna can be very messy if you don’t follow these steps

The following things are most important for henna hair dye

  • Bowl
  • Applying brush
  • Plastic gloves
  • Plastic cap
  • Plastic apron
  • Hair clippers

  1. Soak the henna into the water for almost 24 hours. Make sure that the quantity of henna powder and water is according to the volume of your hair

Note: consistency matters a lot. So the henna paste should not be runny. The paste of henna should have the same consistency as the pancake batters have.

  1. After 24 hours remove the excess water from the bowl carefully.
  2. Add the other ingredients which you want to use in it. Like (Rosewater, egg, yogurt, tea tree oil, mustered or coconut oil, coffee water
  3. Wear your plastic gloves and start mixing your henna paste. Mixed it well until you get the right consistency. Note: Before applying your hair should be nicely washed and dried as well
  4. Wear your apron and split your hair in 2 portions
  5. Now start applying henna on your hairs with the help of a brush. Avoid the forehead while applying the henna paste on hair because the henna will leave a dark color on your forehead. But if something happened like this wipe it with tissue As soon as possible
  6. Apply on 1st half portion of the hair and make a bun using hair clippers.
  7. Then apply onto the other half portions and clip them with hair clippers as well
  8. After applying henna paste wear a plastic bag to avoid the mess
  9. Then wait for some hours. And let the henna paste dry
  10. When the henna paste dried well remove the plastic cap open the hair clippers and wash your hair with Luke warm water. Remove the henna paste nicely dry your hair with the help of a towel
  11. Don’t worry if you experience the removal of your hair color on your towel. Just apply coconut or teatree oil
  12. Do not use any kind of  shampoo just after henna hair dye it will fade your new hair color so avoid it for 2 days
  13. Let your hair dry and be ready for all the good compliments from your friends and family.


Some people think applying henna paste is very difficult or messy, but by following all these steps applying henna paste will not be difficult or messy anymore. Henna is very useful for those people who are facing white hair in an early age. You can get rid of white hair easily without using any kind of harmful chemicals. Henna hair dye is the safest option for every age group because it is 100% natural and chemical-free.

Also Read

Why should you go for the Red Hair Color? Know about the Red Henna Hair Dye

10 Remarkable Benefits of Using Henna Hair Dye
