First, reader Deviant Ollam came up with these clever T-shirts for an imaginary McNeill/Matisse presidential campaign; they’re an excellent conversation starter and 100% of the profits go to o SWOP Behind Bars, which works to help incarcerated sex workers. If everyone who reads this buys one, just imagine how many women, mostly from very disadvantaged circumstances, will be helped!
Next, Dr. Laura Agustín, author of the blog The Naked Anthropologist and Sex at the Margins, the seminal work on “sex trafficking” hysteria (in which she coined the term “rescue industry”), has written The Three-Headed Dog, a novel dramatizing the problems faced by migrants. It’s another way of introducing readers to the issues the “sex trafficking” paradigm attempts to paper over, which Dr. Agustín has studied for over 20 years and understands in a way very few others do.
Last but certainly not least, Dr. Brooke Magnanti has re-released her three Belle de Jour books, Secret Diary of a London Call Girl, Further Adventures of a London Call Girl, and London Call Girl: Playing the Game, in new Kindle editions. You can buy all three of these blockbuster novels for the cost of a modest meal, and start reading them tonight! Find out why Brooke became famous, and show some love for a woman who’s done more than almost any other to draw attention to the movement.
Please buy at least one of these, or be a real ally and get them all! I think I can safely speak for all the ladies I’ve mentioned in today’s column in saying we’re very grateful for your patronage.