I told her I needed her advice and she wrote me back asking where I lived. I told her and she will be able to see me just to see if she can feel a baby and hear the baby. I've prayed to God that this all goes well, because I have felt my baby move and heard it's heart.
I need to know what is going on inside me and that the baby is in the right location. If she feels baby and hear baby then my next step is an ultrasound. I will have to take in donations to get the ultrasound and pay someone to take me to Houston Texas. I ask that all my blogger friends please keep me in prayer and that I will get the care I need for my baby. I will keep everyone posted as to how things went and hopefully a picture of my baby by ultrasound.
I'm a little nervous and sometimes feel panicky, but I have to stay positive. Will be back with more updates soon.