Help and Pray for the Philippines

By Urhappybunnie @joaniebunnie
Hello Readers and Followers,

A little change from my usual beauty posts... most of you have probably heard about the super typhoon Haiyan / Yolanda that hit the Philippines last week. It is the strongest typhoon to ever to hit my homeland. Thankfully, none of my family members were affected by it since our province wasn't directly hit by the storm. However, the towns in the northern and southern part of our province (Negros Occidental), mainly the coastal areas were devastated. Not only that but a lot of other islands in the Philippines was swept by this storm mainly Leyte. My dad's close friend living in Tacloban is still missing.

I am appealing to you my readers to donate whatever amount / goods you can to any organization of your choice. I know some of you might not be financially able to so instead, please offer prayers for everyone in the Philippines.
Lets make a change! Please donate:
Philippine Red Cross - I heard that there are some controversies with PRC, and I have been a Red Cross Youth member for years and I didn't like the news about it too... But I did send my donation there. If you're not comfortable with this org, you are welcome to choose other orgs listed below.
Doctors Without Borders
Shelter Box
World Vision
Other organizations
Thank you for taking the time to read this. Please share to others too.
Photos were taken from Tumblr.