Hello, My Name is _________, I’m Going to Be Taking Care of You Today…

By Marrissanicole @PsychServeLove

So let’s be real, the restaurant industry offers the best of the best and worst of the worst aspects of life. You get to meet lots of genuine and entertaining people, you make all kinds of bitchin’ moolah that is often equal or more than some with degrees, and you can get by fairly well on only working 3-4 days a week. A short work week, flexible hours, lots of money – what more could a person ask for? A lot, I’m sure.

I know, I know. The service industry more often resonates with similar characteristics used to describe hell – and they are often accurate descriptions – rather than rainbows and sunshine. I will not deny anyone the truth about serving; it’s like getting a last minute root canal right when you have an unreasonable amount of fear and hatred for the dentist. It sucks to do it, but you need to get it.

Long story short, serving/bartending isn’t for everyone. But for me – it’s a well of opportunity. I’m here to help cope; with laughter, techniques, and stories that will make serving toes curl. Whether a lifer or using serving as a transition, coping with the assholes that call themselves human beings needs a place before we all become convicted serial killers telling our story of that final push into insanity.