... Hello Monday ... Hello Gratitude ...

By Tamera Beardsley @tamerabeardsley
Hello Monday ... Hello gratitude ...for warm times celebrating with family...
having the opportunity to celebrate a 19th birthday with family.
Hello to gratitude for a fabulous pre trick or treat gathering...it was all I was hoping for and more...This was our 14th gathering ...after taking 4 years off after my daughter left for college...I didn't think I would continue with them...but I am ever so grateful I did!
It was the opportunity to bring new neighbors together ...and welcome old neighbors back...just the way I was hoping for...
A perfect opportunity...to celebrate the past...and the future...and find my new place in both.
I was especially grateful this week to be invited by a dear friend... to an amazing weddingseen here.I was so honored to be included in the celebrating ofone of life's most memorable moments.
I am also very grateful and excited to be mentionedon the UK's high50 today!
I am so tickled...that wearing a cape made by mom over 40 years ago...in a picture taken by my son...can be found on an upscale UK online publication...pretty fun in my book!!
I am grateful this week to have time to get back in my studio!
Happy Monday!

as always dear friends
I wish you love and joyas you style your life