Hello Monday ... Hello Gratitude

By Tamera Beardsley @tamerabeardsley
Hello Monday ... Hello Gratitude

I can't believe it's May already!

the weeks seem to be slipping by me so fast

I thought I would reinstate one of my favorite posts to do

Hello Monday ... Hello Gratitude

Hello Monday ... Hello Gratitude

Just a quick week recap

of the moments I am  

Grateful For!

I spend too much time worrying about so many things

taking the time to focus on 


really calms my mind.

I make my 

Gratitude List 

every morning.

It really helps set a tone for my day.

Hello Monday ... Hello Gratitude
 We got down to Huntington Beach for lunchand a beach walk.
Almost anytime on the beachmakes my heart so happy.
Here where I live in Southern Californiawe have so many beacheseach with their own personality and attributes.

Any time I get pictures of our sweet granddaughter it makes my heart swell with happiness.

Our weather is always a bit drippy here in SoCal 

because of our marine layer.

We have May Gray


June Gloom. 

I used to hate the weather

now I embrace it


have wardrobe pieces just for it!

Like this fun trench i recently added!

I have made it back in to getting my facialsand I am ever so Grateful!

I am still loving my 'Closet RoomI shared about a couple of posts back.
It's also a calm space for Gratitudes and Planningevery morning.

We had another beautiful beach walk

in Dana Point.

Jeff and I got our first vaccine last weekat the beautifulNewport Beach Civic Center.

I was very grateful to have the first shot done.

Afterwards we took a walk down to the beach in corona Del Mar.

I was shocked that I had a reaction to the first vaccine.I had heard plenty about the second shotI was not myself for almost three days.
I am very Gratefulto have that one behind me.

I am so Gratefulto live by open spacesand to be able to hike in such daily beauty.

The cacti groves are about to burst into bloom!

I have been working hard on loosing weight this year.I have lost 30 pounds so farand it makes getting dressed so much more fun!
I am very Gratefulto be working on  a strong and beautiful body.I have come to really appreciate the process.
That is one of the beautiful gifts of Gratitude.
Learning to savor and enjoythe process.

As always my friends
I wish you love and joyas you style your life