Hello Gratitude

By Tamera Beardsley @tamerabeardsley
 Hello MondayHello Gratitude Hello gratitude for being invited toa most lovely birthday party for Miss Hannahwho is my daughters best friend.I was so excited and tickled to see Hannah and her husbandsabsolutely delightful apartmentfilled with creative vignettes and eye candy everywhere!The gorgeous Miss Hannah has her own style blog - RunawayStyle here.
 Hello gratitude for magnificent  December weather!
I am so grateful for early morning walks with friends!
Hello gratitude for instagramI am so enjoying this social mediaI love building my holiday galleryand connecting with people all over the world!
 On of my favorite visual artists is Merilyn her gallery is always such a beautiful escape!So I was so excited and honored to have one of my photosused in one of her stunning collages!(Mine is the lemons)Thank you Merilyn!
 I am very gratefulfor such a creative week.Sometimes as a creativeyou can really feel when ideas and concepts are really pulling together.This was definitelyone of those weeksand I am so very grateful!
I love when I can feel my 'real life'andcreative life meld into one
This was a week when I was truly  making my life my artone day at a time.
 My yards are all dressed for the holidaysas I guess they should be by now...I was shocked to realize today
Christmas is in one week!So Hello Monday and Hello gratitudeto a meaningful holiday season.
I will be trying to slow downand to put intention intosavoring and enjoying this season.
As always dear friends
I wish you love and joyas you style your life