Heel-less Shoes

By Trierton @MISC_blog

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Lady Gaga’s heel-less shoes by Coco Perez (from cocoperez.com)
I’ve never worn heel-less shoes before but they look interesting.When I first saw them worn by Lady Gaga years ago, I wrote them off as one of her eccentricities but when designers and bloggers incorporated the style into their designs and outfits, I thought again.My main concern about heel-less shoes was comfort; they looked mighty unstable given that you’re forced to stand on your toes with no support for your heels. But bloggers have been claiming that their heel-less shoes aren’t uncomfortable at all. In fact, depending on the brand, they say heel-less kicks are even more comfortable than normal heels.So I might just get a pair, after all. I think I’ll start with these Aaron wedges from So FABAaron wedges from So FabSaw them on Kryz Uy’s blog and promptly fell in love. I mean, look at that lace! And the shoes aren’t too high and bulky, perfect for beginners. Maybe. Too bad they’re sold out right now. Sigh.
Kryz Uy in Aaron (from kryzuy.com)
There you go. Hope that helped.