Heart-felt Thank-you's, Life and Noah

By Maddixfamily31 @inthemomentprod

How do you say “thank you” and have it really mean how you truly feel? Sometimes just two simple words doesn't seem like enough yet, they are two words that do make people feel appreciated. That's all I have to those who have helped with donations for Noah's medical bills and the ones that are still coming in. I feel so blessed and thankful for everyone who has helped Noah get the care he needs. It really means the world to me. I know there are people who would rather just give and not have me mention names, so I'll respect that and just say this to all, and you know who you are. 
Please accept this as my personal and heart-felt “thank-you” to all who have not just given monetary donations but have also prayed for Noah and sent me some words of encouragement. I'm blessed to have you all and again, thank you, for thinking of my family and helping as much as you can. It has not and will not go unnoticed as we go through this new phase of our lives within our family and try to figure out what the next chapter will entail. The most important thing through all the changes that may be coming in the next couple months is my son's medical care. That's #1 and everything else will follow behind. I want to be able to give him the best life possible, so doctor's watch out! Noah's mama is seeking answers and won't stop until she knows the best way to treat her son! 
I've been fortunate and blessed throughout my life. Yes, there were hard times but those were times that I still look back on and was able to take something from it and to some degree can apply it to my life now and how best to handle the situation this time around. Life isn't always rosie but we all need to find our rose path and remember the storm is watering those roses and things will get better. The key is to try and stay positive that everything will turn out ok. Through Christ who strengthens me. I do remember a lot that even though we are going through such a difficult time that someone out there is going through worse and I am extremely lucky to have what I do.  
If I don't find another job in a couple months or Jeremiah doesn't stick to the one he is training for, we will be in trouble with this house. I know I've mentioned before that we're putting it up for sale, and we are. I need to get the house ready. In order to do that, I'll wait until Isabella goes off to school. That way my little tornado can't undo what I just did. It'll just be interesting to see where God wants us to be. It's kind of exciting in a way. I'm going to think of this as an adventure. A new chapter in our lives. You know you don't grow unless you've been through some hard times to know that even through those hard times you can find happiness. 
 My little Noah. Yesterday, with help from his PT, he can stand! Go Noah! Of course as exciting as that moment was to see him put his weight on his legs and stand, getting a picture was difficult. Why? No, not because Noah wasn't cooperating...it was my “I'm going to be a fairy and a star one day-gotta be the center of attention-daughter,” Isabella, who had to be in the photo as well. But I did get one with just little man and his accomplishment! If I can, I'll start recording some things too...but that also means, keeping my daughter from stealing the spotlight! 
On a side note, I really don't know where she gets the whole “I'm going to be a star one day and not one from the sky.” At home, all she watches are PBS shows. Little miss priss with her play jewelry that has to be on all day, hair done (even if we aren't going somewhere), nice dress...she just cracks me up! All while I'm still in my pj's and she actually makes me feel a little unkempt but then I remember I have house work, and making time to practice Noah's PT exercises and then the unkempt moment has passed...unless someone unexpectedly rings the doorbell and then I freak out looking as bad as I do. Isn't that how things usually work out? 
I have scheduled a doctor's appointment with another doc to look at Noah's head and decide if he needs a corrective helmet to fix the slight flattening of the back of his head. It's next Tuesday so we'll see what Dr. Teichgraeber (yeah, you try and pronounce that any better than I tried when I called to schedule an appointment). Prayers on this visit are appreciated, both with trying not to embarrass myself trying to say the doctor's name correctly and that Noah still has time to get the help he needs with shaping his head correctly.   Another thank-you goes to Noah's OT.  She recommended this doctor for Noah.  Let's hope he's just as great as she says he is!
Despite everything, he's such a happy little boy--yet ironic as I write this and the exact same moment, I hear him start crying so I may need to break and figure out why little man has that frown upside down. So, with that, I'll say adios. 
Have a great and blessed day everyone!  Hey, it's Friday!  Do the Friday happy dance.  Don't worry.  I won't be watching.