Health & Wellness: Seasonal Tips for Promoting Your Own Wellbeing

By Glasgow Skinner/ My Life On And Off The Guest List @guestlistblog

Despite how trivial it may seem to care for your health, the fact of the matter is that it's incredibly important. Caring for yourself is one of the best things you can do because you are promoting your own wellbeing. If you're hoping to be your best self this new year, here are some tips you can follow for each season to stay on top of your health.

Health & Wellness: Seasonal Tips for Promoting Your Own Wellbeing

This Winter

As the winter air brings dryness and cracked skin, you're going to want to make sure you're moisturizing and using lotion more often around this time. Even kids can suffer from dry skin in the winter. If you're a parent and have a child who is among the one in 10 kids who develop eczema, be sure to help them stay moisturized as well. Lotioning, where the dry skin is the worst, will be extremely important for overall comfort throughout the day.

Similarly, making sure you're moisturizing your skin when the weather is extra dry will be beneficial for you in the long run. If you hope to avoid wrinkled skin in your later years, moisturizing regularly will help you to achieve this. Don't forget your neck!

Though the air is extra dry in the winter months, it's still important to try and get outdoors and enjoy the cool air. It's easy to stay inside all winter and avoid the cold, but it's important for your overall physical and mental health to get outdoors and stay active. Aim for at least one outing a week you wouldn't normally do.

Next Summer

In the summer months, it's super important for the protection of your skin to wear sunscreen. A study performed by IMPACT Melanoma found that 86% of participants use sunscreen "always" or "sometimes" in the summer. Wearing sunscreen is a very smart habit to get into. The sun's rays are very powerful and can cause damage to our skin including various types of skin cancer. For this reason, wearing sunscreen is critical to protecting your skin while outdoors.

While wearing sunscreen is important during the height of summer, you should still apply it year-round. In the winter months, it's really easy to assume that sunscreen isn't necessary because you're mostly covered anyway. The fact is, however, that the sun is still dangerous for our skin in the winter. As a result, applying sunscreen on your face is still a smart idea.

Seasonal Changes

As the seasons change, it's very likely you'll experience some seasonal allergies. In the spring and fall especially, make sure you're taking the necessary precautions. Whether that is avoiding certain areas altogether or more routinely taking your allergy medicine, you'll want to be on top of it. There are more than 3 million cases per year in the United States of seasonal allergies so it's very likely you are someone who has them.

Though this isn't something that has a huge impact on your overall health, if you simply ignore your allergies it's very likely you'll have a less enjoyable time all around. It can also drain your energy to constantly feel like your head is exploding. Not only that, but a cracked, irritated nose from constantly blowing it not only causes some aesthetic concerns but is uncomfortable to deal with. Avoid this by caring for yourself!

This also means making sure you're taking time for yourself if your allergies become too much. Rest is an important aspect of self-care and your health overall. Be sure to know your limits and respect them.

There are a lot of different ways you can help care for your health. These tips should help you keep your skin and body feeling as good as possible. Make sure to prioritize yourself and your health throughout the year in order to live your best life.