Health Isn’t Either/Or

By Kyle Knapp @Kyleknapp5
Fun February Facts: Feb 27th is International Polar Bear Day, National Chocolate Cake Day, National Strawberry Day and National Kahlua Day, is the day the island of New Britain is discovered in 1700, when the Government of Italy asks for help to keep the Leaning Tower of Pisa from toppling over in 1964 and is the birthday of Irving Fisher, American economist in 1867.

Ok, on to health again...

Health isn't about either/or.

- You don't have to choose either alternative medicine or modern medicine.
- You don't have to choose either going barefoot or wearing shoes.
- You don't have to choose being a vegetarian or being a meat eater.
- You don't have to choose either technology or moving into the woods.
- You don't have to choose CrossFit or being a couch potato.

Health doesn't have to be either/or, it can be and.

- You can choose to use follow an ancestral health model and use modern medicine.
- You can choose to go barefoot sometimes and wear shoes when you want to.
- You can choose to eat meat sometimes and not eat meat sometimes.
- You can choose to use an iPad and go tech free from time to time.
- You can choose to exercise and not exercise.

Health is never about choosing between two extremes. Health is about finding your place in the middle.

Thanks for reading, have a great day!

Categories: Bare 5 Elements, Benefits, Health & Wellness, Perspective, Recommendations, Tips | Tags: CrossFit, either/or, exercise, food, health, health extremes, health is, health is the middle ground, health philosophy, nutrition, vegan vs. paleo, wellness, what is health | Permalink.