Health Activist Writer's Month

By Wendiw80 @asouthernyogi
Workout for yesterday -
Total Time - 46 minutes
The workout was to run for 30-40 minutes with 1 mile at goal 5k pace. My goal 5k pace is 9:40.
Mile 1 - 10:30
Mile 2 - 9:39 (success)
Mile 3 - 11:13 (not success)
Cool Down walk with the hubby - .68 miles, 15 minutes
I was torn up after that fast mile, so the last mile was a disaster! I will mention that I live in the hilliest part of Greenville (at least I think so). 

Workout for Today
Total Time - 44 minutes
Warm up drills
4 minute warm up job
5 sets of 45 strides (30 second repeats)
5 sets of 90 strides (60 second repeats)
5 sets of 45 strides (30 second repeats)
Total Mileage - 3.08 miles
I just let the watch run continuously and hit lap for every repeat
I just signed up to do a challenge with Wego health. It'll be interesting to see what exactly it is, but basically, they send you a topic to discus every day for 30 days. If you're interested, here is the link -
Health Activist Writer's Challenge
I can't wait!!
Namaste Y'all!