He Or She Is Just Not That Into You | When To Walk Away

By Heather Hahn @HeatherHahnn
So, i've never done a post like this, but time, and time again, people keep requesting it, so... I thought, why not post about it.

What are my signs that I think when a guy or girl is welp, " just not that into you ".

More-so often as my friends get older, and as I get older, when you're in your twenties, I guess that you could say, now is the time that you'll be going on dates, more then you ever will in your entire life.

Maybe, that's because when you're in twenties, you don't want to feel that sense of loneliness, or maybe you just always want that partnership, so that you guys can go to parties together, or friend gatherings, or different events, who knows.

Whatever the case may be, in my opinion, you should stay clear of these 5 signs when you just start to get to know someone. You want to pick up that red flag, before it picks you up.

1. He/Or She constantly is on their phone texting & calling whenever they are around you.

MAJOR NO. If he or she can't pay attention to you at dinner, and doesn't want to actually spend the valuable time with you, that is taking place, then he or she clearly isn't worth your time. Your date should not be on their phone, because not only is that rude and disrespectful, even though we live in a generation that is glued to their phones during dinner time, but remember that when you're with a significant other, time is everything, and you should be spending this time getting to know one another.

I learned this myself, the hard way.

2. He/Or She talks about their past relationships the majority of the time you guys are spending together.

DON'T GET ME WRONG, hearing about what went wrong in your partners last relationship, is more then likely something you may or may not want to hear, so you know how to find a solution to that problem, if you guys actually start becoming an item, but listen, when you CONSTANTLY hear your date talking about their ex, or their past relationship, more then likely, I hate to break the ice, but your date may be still attached to that person, one way or another. So, yes, it is good to talk about what went wrong in past relationships, but keep it short, and sweet, please, don't ruin it for your date!

3. He/Or She wants to go through your phone and check you out on social media.

No! No! And NO! Great, hey, you can add each other as "friends" on Facebook, but when your date wants to look at your phone, more then likely they want to look "THROUGH YOUR PHONE", and this is not okay. Clearly, if he or she wants to be added on all of your social media pages, and wants to look through your phone, your date is well, very, very insecure, and trust me, this ends up ruining your relationship that you guys have in the long run. Whether it is something that happened in the past to your date, or something that happened currently, when he/or she is insecure in the beginning, this is a MAJOR RED FLAG, and you need to take all 10 or 20 steps back.

4. He/Or She wants you to always pay for things you guys do together

This can be thought in two ways, but remember that when you're dating someone, you guys are forming a " partnership", and the relationship should be about " being equal", and " sharing", and " taking turns", because you guys love each other, and when you're dating someone, you should overall want to become " one " in the end. That's the reason why we date, obviously. So when you do activities together, remember that it should be a two way street. If he or she can't afford the things that you would like to do together, come to a compromise, to do something that you guys can both afford, or do crafty things at home that don't involve spending money, because that's what relationships are all about, compromise.

5. He/Or She puts you down, and doesn't support or encourage you

This is the one thing that I feel like most relationships now a days struggle with. If your potential partner even thinks about putting you down, and doesn't support your career, or where you want to be life, now is the time to get away, and you better get away fast. I've had so many of my friends stick with guys who put them down, and make them feel worthless, and make them feel like they have to do what their partner says. This is NOT OKAY, and i'm dead serious, because this will lead to nothing, but danger in the long run. If you two really have love for each other, then your partner will not even think about saying things like this to you. Also, if your career is not supported through your relationship, problems will only occur down the road. So this is certainly something that you need to get away from, in the first place.