First installment of a new regular feature: HCTF's Full Show Friday. It's Spottiswoode & His Enemies live @ Joe's Pub, NYC (2007/05/17). It was the CD release party for their That's What I Like album:
Here is the full performance of one of Spottiswoode & His Enemies' wackiest and most ambitious shows: the 2007 CD release at Joe's Pub for "That's What I Like."
Featuring all the songs from the CD, the concert takes the band on a surreal Mediterranean odyssey.
Spottiswoode as heartbroken rake, Riley McMahon as MC, Kevin Cordt and Candace DeBartolo in multiple roles, Tony Lauria as a Neapolitan gigolo and John Young and Tim Vaill as rhythm police.
Film directed by Brian Dilg, edited by Andrew Blackwell.
Video: Spottiswoode & His Enemies - Live @ Joe's Pub, NYC - 2007/05/17
HCTF review of That's What I Like.