Haul: Taobao Mori Girl Clothes Shopping
By Herugliness
Hello! ~♥ I want to share my latest Taobao Haul with you. This time I once again tried out some new shops. It's always a gamble with Taobao, but luckily everything went well regarding my Mori Girl clothing purchases. I made some other purchases that didn't go too well (like dog clothing where the measurements were completely off), but I don't think that is of interest to anyone here, so let's go straight to the clothing:
I bought this skirt from a store called O2Lady. They have many beautiful clothes and a lot of them are perfectly suitable for Mori Girl styles. If you are familiar with Tabobao then you might know that a great part of these clothes are manufactured specifically for a store, usually in Japan, with a Japanese label and price tag already attached to it. This store seems to sell products manufactured for a Korean store, because the label was all Korean. Since I cannot read any Korean I have no clue what store it was for. The quality is very good, the skirt is made out of some heavy quality material and looks just like the product photos. If I compare it to skirts that I have bought in Japan, or from Taobao stores that manufactured for Japan, I have the feeling that the skirt is a bit tighter around the waist area than other skirts. It still fits me well, but it isn't a super loose as some other skirts. I can recommend this store, though I think you should not be larger than M size to buy from them.I was quite sceptical about the store I bought this shirt from, which is my quanquan. The reason why I was sceptical was because they claim that this shirt and many other of their products were Axes Femme products. If you don't know Axes Femme - It's a Japanese store that sells very beautiful and very high quality products, but is also rather expensive, at least for my taste. I only own one single Axes Femme item which I bought in Japan, it was on sale when I bought it and it was still one of the most expensive things I bought in Japan. Ever. So I was not sure whether this store really sells items manufactured for Axes Femme or whether they are replica. However, they claim that all of their photos in their store are 100% original product photos and I can attest to this after purchasing this shirt. It is extremely well made, looks exactly like on the photo and is of the very same good quality that I am used from Axes Femme products. Still not entirely sure whether it is really an original Axes Femme item or a replica amd shirt does not contain any label, but I am overly satisfied with it either way. The items in this store aren't exactly Mori Girl style clothes. I think a lot would be suitable for Country Lolita or even Gyaru fashion, so many items are, while very beautiful, not my cup of tea, but it's worth checking out for sure.I bought this skirt from ayakaqjd, but as I had purchased from them before I knew I was getting a good quality item. I have seen this skirt being sold in a lot of different stores on Taobao, with a huge price difference, up to $50 or more. Ayakaqjd sells it for 117.00 yuan, which is around $20 and the cheapest I could find. The only thing I do not like is that the skirt is very heavy, so it falls really straight, but other than that it's great.
This top was bought from slxi, another store I had not tried out before. This top is manufactured for the Japanese store Cawaii, and can also be found in several Taobao Stores. I just picked slxi, because it sold it for a way more reasonable price than the others. No complains here, a beautiful original Cawaii item. I am, as always, eager to hear your Taobao Shop suggestions, though I have to stop shopping clothes there, because I have way too many already. (,_,)