Harvest Monday - 30 Nov 2015

By Mwillis
It's nearly December, but produce is still coming out of the garden. Highlight of this week was the Brussels Tops, about which I have already written. They made a perfect accompaniment to that venison dish I did.

There are still chillis coming off my plants. "Aji Limon" is always one of the last to ripen fruit, but it's worth waiting for because it has a lovely citrussy taste.

We have more chillis than we can use at present (not to mention harissa and tomato-and-chilli sauce in the freezer)!
I'm also still harvesting Lettuce and Endive

One of the things I like best about having a veg plot in my back garden is that I can just nip out and pick some salad any time I like!
That's my harvests for the week. To see what others have got, head over to Our Happy Acres for Harvest Monday.